Ok so I used to do this sometimes after eating acid when i was younger and it was alot of fun.
I have a couple questions about it.
A) Has anyone else ever done this?
B) Is there any inherent danger?
This is the trick.
Requirements: Pitch black room with no windows and a camera with a flash. (you cannot use a digital camera unless you can turn the screen off as you only want the split second of light that is created by using the flash)
1) Eat LSD
2) Begin to trip
3) Go into pitch black room with camera in hand
make sure that there is no light seeping into the room. no windows, cracks under the door, etc..
it has to be pitch black
4) position yourself however you feel comfortable.
If you are standing please be aware that this is going to be really strange
and you might lose coordination momentarily.
5) Set off the flash on your camera(keep flash in a position so it is not going off
directly into your eyes. I usually hold it off to the side)The result: Basically in the instant that the flash goes off, it will imprint the image of everything around you into your brain for like 30 seconds. For example: You are in the dark room. You are 5 feet away from the wall, facing it. You set the flash off. When the room returns to dark, you still see the frozen frame image of the wall in front of you. You take a step towards the wall, yet the wall moves with your step and remains 5 feet away from you. I wouldn't recommend doing that specifically as it is pretty disorienting but i'm just trying to give an example and clearly explain the effect.
It can be fun to do this with a friend when you are in that giggly stage of LSD. You can make goofy ass faces and when the flash goes off you will have the image of your goofball friend imprinted into your brain for 30 seconds or so. I know it sounds dumb, but it always cracked me up and we would try all sorts of positions. Like bend down and touch your toes and have someone set the flash off. Then stand back up. lol. Why does it still look like you are touching your toes??? WEIRD... giggle giggle...
I really have no idea if there is any real danger in doing this other than possibly falling down if you get a little too squirrely. I really doubt it unless you are flashing directly into your eyes, and quite honestly if you are doing that then you have bigger problems than the possible side effects. haha. I've personally never had any negative side effects from it. But i wanted to share and see if anyone else has ever experienced this or might have any input on the subject. Its a pretty cool little quirk of LSD. I've never tried it with mushrooms or any other hallucinogen but i know that it works with LSD.