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How necessary a sitter is when taking Iboga TA? Options
#1 Posted : 11/14/2012 9:55:38 PM
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I am planning on taking a flood dose of TA. Before I do, there is a few things I need to know.

Just how much is a sitter necessary? Will I be able to go pee and poop by myself or will I pee and poop myself? Will I be able to turn my body to vomit and will I be able to take a bottle of water and drink if necessary? Are there other reason why a sitter is absolutely necessary?

Among you, who didn't have a sitter, what dose did you take and how was your experience? Who had a sitter and why was it necessary, if at all? Just how much are we incapacitaded. How immobilized are we? Any recommendation?


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#2 Posted : 11/14/2012 10:31:21 PM

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I've never done it so I can't give firsthand advice. But from what I've read about it a sitter is absolutely necessary with big doses of Iboga. During at least part of the experience you may be pretty much completely immobilized, unable to even drink from a water bottle on your own. In a state like that, even if you don't actually need them just knowing someone is there could be incredibly reassuring. Personally I'd hate the idea of being that incapacitated while all alone.
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#3 Posted : 11/14/2012 11:19:56 PM

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Hello dusttrust,

I personally feel a sitter is essential. As is a medical/heart (with EKG) exam before taking the plunge. As is full allergy testing. eboka.info is the gold standard for information on this entheogen.

This entheogen is amazing. You really have to be committed to full detox as it will reset you physically and make normal dosing very very dangerous. I recommend full detox BEFORE doing iboga, but that's just because that was my path.

For me iboga was the most profound entheogen/experience of my life to date. And yeah it was utterly crippling as any strong plant with dissociative properties can be. And yeah, I surfaced from iboga hyperspace after I don't know, 4-8 hours, thought I had to pee and understood it was not gonna happen. After about 12 hours, my sitter helped me to walk to the bathroom and take care of business then get back to bed. Here is a link to my trip report - http://www.erowid.org/ex...iences/exp.php?ID=89253. It's here on Nexus in Quality Experience Reports but I could not get that link to work, Sad

The dose I consumed was 9.4 grams of root bark, but my allergy test showed I was very sensitive, I am female and am/was of very low weight. All of these are relevant factors with iboga. As you can see, there's lots of research to be done here.

I would definitely recommend having multiple bottles of water handy, maybe a little juice, etc. Food was very very weird for me for a long time with iboga.

Though I did not use/call upon my sitter much, I felt his presence was essential, especially since he knew what I was doing, knew CPR (just in case), etc.

I hope this helps . . . .
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#4 Posted : 11/15/2012 1:07:40 AM


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Pandora, that was some trip report! Thumbs up I really enjoyed reading it. Lately I've been interested in Ibogaine, and reading your report makes it seem that it can teach you a lot about yourself. (what psych doesn't:lolSmile
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#5 Posted : 11/15/2012 3:00:08 AM


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I was pretty immobilised but needed to poop, I couldn't stand so I had to drag myself to the bathroom while suffering terrible ataxia so I had to keep my head level it was horrendous! My girlfriend was my sitter but she couldn't carry me to the bathroom. The purge was pretty hard for me too, a lot of the experience was very physically demanding, like pandora I got an ECG and got my liver checked before hand. Again like pandora my sitter being there was a good reminder that it was ok someone's here, if anything goes wrong they can phone for help. Despite it being very difficult it was a great healing experience and I'd jump at the chance to do it again. Good luck Smile
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