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Again 0.o Meditation, marijuana. Options
#1 Posted : 11/14/2012 1:12:58 AM

Ninja of Consciousness

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What the hell happens when these two substances combine? What is the actual mental/physical process that is occurring when it happens.

I pushed it to a limit I didn't think existed and what's worse is, I know it could go further so much further.

I have just spent the last 3 days more or less stoned out of my brains meditating and chillaxing my brain's out. Full on OBE experience, with an absolute sense of oneness, forgiveness of self, removal of fear, complete absolute stop's of the internal dialogue.

I've stopped smoking daily and started smoking maybe once/twice a week and each time, smoking as much as possible, as strong as possible, in my room, with the light's off. It's started going beyond any kind of marijuana experience, a point where I felt such an indescribable oneness, full on closed eye visuals and patterns 0.o just wow..

Again I need someone else to confirm these experiences with me but I feel such an overpowering level of peace right now and moments I can only describe as "entering the DMT" state "manually" instead of "automatic" controll.. I actually felt vibrations build up from my base to my very core then watched a black space turn into so many colours, sound's just amazing. So much awareness in this state, all the sound's outside, inside, my dog breathing, the computer fan purring, the cracks in the floor.. the tinyest sound's ahh just beautiful.

I love all of you, so much more than you will ever know or understand I think, I don't think anyone can understand the love I have for all of existence.. just AHHH!!

Very happyVery happyVery happyVery happy
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.

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#2 Posted : 11/14/2012 2:01:17 AM


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Sometimes it helps me in meditation, while other times it makes my mind just wander and not slow down. I really would like to try what you did - stop smoking for a while then just smoke a bunch and meditate with low/no tolerance. I can remember back before I got into meditation, when I smoked after not smoking for a while and laid in bed... wow. Things got pretty strange. I had OBE-like experiences. I'm already started with not smoking for a bit... haven't smoked bud in a couple days. I can't stop hitting some rez before bedtime tho just to help me get to sleep Razz
[center]Sophia's Light

In darkest night, when lights are dim, and all in sight seems sad and grim,
I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day –and that is what I ask and pray.
Non Dua Natura
#3 Posted : 11/14/2012 2:36:10 AM

Namo Amitaba Buddha

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Mystic0 wrote:
What the hell happens when these two substances combine? What is the actual mental/physical process that is occurring when it happens.

I pushed it to a limit I didn't think existed and what's worse is, I know it could go further so much further.

I have just spent the last 3 days more or less stoned out of my brains meditating and chillaxing my brain's out. Full on OBE experience, with an absolute sense of oneness, forgiveness of self, removal of fear, complete absolute stop's of the internal dialogue.

I've stopped smoking daily and started smoking maybe once/twice a week and each time, smoking as much as possible, as strong as possible, in my room, with the light's off. It's started going beyond any kind of marijuana experience, a point where I felt such an indescribable oneness, full on closed eye visuals and patterns 0.o just wow..

Again I need someone else to confirm these experiences with me but I feel such an overpowering level of peace right now and moments I can only describe as "entering the DMT" state "manually" instead of "automatic" controll.. I actually felt vibrations build up from my base to my very core then watched a black space turn into so many colours, sound's just amazing. So much awareness in this state, all the sound's outside, inside, my dog breathing, the computer fan purring, the cracks in the floor.. the tinyest sound's ahh just beautiful.

I love all of you, so much more than you will ever know or understand I think, I don't think anyone can understand the love I have for all of existence.. just AHHH!!

Very happyVery happyVery happyVery happy

First of all, could you describe what it is you actually do when you meditate? That might sound like a silly question, but bear with me as I'd like to be able to help you keep these sorts of dramatic experiences in perspective and knowing the ins and outs of your practice would be very helpful. Stuff like this can give one the impression that they've experienced enlightenment, however it's not the case and, if held onto, it can lead to difficulties in making effective progress in your practice.

I'm very experienced with meditation and marijuana, I've been doing it almost daily for most of my adult life in one way or another but there are basically two main ways in which meditation practice is done: Concentrative or bare attentiveness. I'm not including more advanced yogic practices here, although all of them have their basis in these two skills, predominantly concentration.

What you've described is characteristic of a stage within the "Progress of Insight" model called 4th ñana, Knowledge of the Arising & Passing Away; this suggests to me that you've probably been looking directly at the bare sensations of your experience and have noticed how they can be seen to happen without an agent or subject who causes them. Would that be accurate? It's just a guess based on what you've said so I could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure that you've experienced what's sometimes just called "The A&P Event". It's indicative of good practice as it's a major turning point, kudos on building up the momentum.

The CEV's and 'spiritual fireworks', the awesome emotions and blissful oneness are all typical of this stage so, and I mean this sincerely, don't cling to it as, like all things in life, it doesn't last forever. Trying to hold on to something so emphemeral will only lead to suffering, although that's not to say that you shouldn't enjoy it wholeheartedly as it happens! Just don't hold it as the be all and end all, I know that might sound like a killjoy sort of thing to say but I know the experiences you've described intimately and can fully appreciate the intensity of that love you express so wonderfully in your post.

As a general comment regarding meditation and marijuana...

Most people end up doing concentration practice when they start, usually something like following the breath or gazing at a candle or something. Concentration practice, or samatha as it it's known in Buddhism, is the foundation of the siddhis, or psychic powers, and it's almost certainly due to a combination of strong concentration, probably through previous practice, and good weed that you've found yourself able to experience things like OBE's. It's a skill in itself to be able to do this, stoned or not, but, as I said before, don't get hung up on it 'cause it doesn't lead to awakening in and of itself.

Weed seems to facilitate strong concentration, and with previous meditative or mental posturing practice it's possible to direct the mind in such a way that very real-seeming experiences can be fabricated. I find that certain strains, usually those higher in THC, are more conducive to the bare attentiveness of vipassana (insight practice) as they sort of 'sharpen' the senses somewhat, but the sometimes 'heavy' overlay on attention can be difficult to cut through without strong practice. That's just my experience with it, yours may differ but hopefully there's something useful in this post.
When it blows, it stacks...
#4 Posted : 11/14/2012 2:54:04 AM

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Sounds great! Marijuana can be sooo psychedelic..its really a shame the majority of its users just have no clue of its potential. Its good to see others using it as a psychedelic and getting a lot out of it

its amazing how differently its affects are from person to person. its always been very psychedelic for me and the hardest thing about weed + meditation is getting my heart rate to go down. sometimes its no problem, sometimes it is. a bit of relaxation before smoking usually does the trick, and slowly getting progressively more stoned helps to...among other things

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Non Dua Natura
#5 Posted : 11/14/2012 3:23:35 AM

Namo Amitaba Buddha

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its always been very psychedelic for me and the hardest thing about weed + meditation is getting my heart rate to go down. sometimes its no problem, sometimes it is. a bit of relaxation before smoking usually does the trick, and slowly getting progressively more stoned helps to...among other things

Why would you try to slow down your heartbeat to meditate? Done properly, basic anapanasati, mindfulness of the breath, will cause that to happen effortlessly and is far more conducive to altered states.
When it blows, it stacks...
#6 Posted : 11/14/2012 5:18:41 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sounds exactly like my experience over about 3 days last weekend. First time smoking serious amounts of cannabis in a few months. Nice to hear someone's "mindblown" state evolving through time the same way as mine Very happy
#7 Posted : 11/14/2012 5:48:37 AM

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Non Dua Natura wrote:
its always been very psychedelic for me and the hardest thing about weed + meditation is getting my heart rate to go down. sometimes its no problem, sometimes it is. a bit of relaxation before smoking usually does the trick, and slowly getting progressively more stoned helps to...among other things

basic anapanasati, mindfulness of the breath, will cause that to happen effortlessly and is far more conducive to altered states.

yes, but easier said than done Wink

its not much of a problem unless i smoke a ton with low tolerance, and even then not always. sometimes even with breathing exercises the heartrate will stay up there for a bit regardless. marijuana has always just been very very psychedelic and intense for me

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#8 Posted : 11/14/2012 6:01:26 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Yeah ganja can take me pretty deep too. Before I knew about the experiences acid or mushrooms(and later dmt) had to offer, I used it as my primary psychedelic. Some of the closed eye visions I got when I first started smoking were absolutely amazing... in fact it was these sensations that led me to investigating the entheogens. these days, however, it has completely stopped serving me positively.. I guess I overdid it. I started smoking bongs everyday.. and did so for around four years... and now, I don't enjoy it like I used to. It makes me self conscious and paranoid, and I don't enjoy it as much unless I'm just on my own. I miss what sweet ganja used to be for me. I have just started taking a break, and I hope to restore my old relationship with it eventually.
#9 Posted : 11/14/2012 6:10:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Mystic0 wrote:
I love all of you, so much more than you will ever know or understand I think, I don't think anyone can understand the love I have for all of existence.. just AHHH!!

Very happyVery happyVery happyVery happy

You are not alone Love Very happy I'm often overcome by such feelings of uncontainable love, to the point where I sometimes feel overwhelmed. The more love you have in your chest, the more you have to share. Thumbs up

"Becoming a person of the plants is not a learning process, it is a remembering process. Somewhere in our ancestral line, there was someone that lived deeply connected to the Earth, the Elements, the Sun, Moon and Stars. That ancestor lives inside our DNA, dormant, unexpressed, waiting to be remembered and brought back to life to show us the true nature of our indigenous soul" - Sajah Popham.
#10 Posted : 11/14/2012 7:27:11 AM


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I love to smoke and meditate. Although I have never went through with the OBE when I'm high, I don't know if it is the weed giving me paranoia or I'm just taken off guard by the magnitude of the experience knowing I only smoked pot. But every time I start to realize my entire body is numb and vibrating and I am beginning to exit my body, I jump and snap back into my body.

I miss it though, I've been on an extended break so I know it will be a ride when I finally smoke again.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#11 Posted : 11/14/2012 7:33:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I smoke now, only in the evenings, so have practically no tolerance at all to weed...one small joint of strong local sativa (Cambodian) and then I do some asanas, stretching and meditation.

I find that the ganja allows me to be MUCH more sensitive to my body's energy flow and I also combine shiatsu and acupressure techniques to help remove any blocks. I am constantly amazed at how deep I can go sometimes just on a tiny bit of ganj Very happy

I've just started adding some rue alks into the mix, sometimes taking it sub lingually before smoking, sometimes sprinkling a little into my joint, sometimes both. This seems to add much more body relaxation. I don't think I've added enough yet to help with the visionary aspects, but I've just started with this so am working it up slowly...

Last week I also put in a TINY bit of DMT infused weed along with the rue alks and grass...Not enough for any visuals or anything, just enough to feel the body load but I must say that this felt absolutely amazing but instead of really going inside myself I just lay there thinking WOW! Big grin
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