[p Well, first off I d like to thank is whole site for the priceless information that I ve even able to well you all know, my ........ Add word that fits for you!
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I have viewed the many great post and even better the answers to the questions those posts! Well, I was listen to a clip by Terrence and as each of his video clips /lectures always for me, EXPRESS A FORGOTTEN TRUTHS. He goes into a 60's kind of verbal statement about one's self, "saying I m , I a good hardworking, caring productive member of society, I pay my taxes, share my self and what I have with others, and I also use........! " it moved, Me to the point of I guess I'll call it coming out of my psychedelic closet so to speak. I openly admitted to friends and love ones about my rediscovered faith in ............and my now new found love of life, others, hope, as well as this new . Oh ......... I use that instead of words. So mad lib you word that describes what we all share in common and that in my case can never express to each others verbally. Well, I am horrible at this texting thing but just want to say. HELLO, THANK YOU TO EVERYBODY who helped me, because they shared what they learned openly and were here before me, I just hope to do the same and maybe share something that. Another person can use . CHEERS and smiles dhrider.