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Naptha Solvent air dry not completing? Options
Aetherius Rimor
#1 Posted : 11/6/2012 7:17:58 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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So I was able to do what appears to be a successful extraction.

I got lots of crystal looking like attachments in a pyrex dish from when all the Naptha evaporated.

However I have a problem. The clear crystals are there, but they still seem slightly gooey.

I'm not sure how to collect the crystals off the pyrex dish, because when I attempt to use a razor blade, they stick to the razor blade with a wettish type goo look.

Any ideas on what to do at this point? It's been sitting in the dish for over 24 hours, and I've put the top of the dishes to limit exposure.

One of my dishes, I put some fresh naptha in, and I put it in the freezer in hopes to try a freeze precipitation, but not sure what to do now.

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#2 Posted : 11/6/2012 7:26:05 AM

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You can try a 20 min dry with a cool fast fan over the dish...if its still gooey then you're best off Re-x ing.
small amount of warm Nap> dissolve >Freezer for 24 hrs.
This should produce.
Then pour off Nap and fan dry quickly before room temp...job done.
(invest in a fan...it does wonders)
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Aetherius Rimor
#3 Posted : 11/6/2012 7:55:21 AM
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We tried to buy some fans.

Apparently they're seasonal, and since summer is over, they're no longer sold locally.

Time to order online apparently heh.
Ice House
#4 Posted : 11/6/2012 6:12:43 PM

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cyb wrote:
You can try a 20 min dry with a cool fast fan over the dish...if its still gooey then you're best off Re-x ing.
small amount of warm Nap> dissolve >Freezer for 24 hrs.
This should produce.
Then pour off Nap and fan dry quickly before room temp...job done.
(invest in a fan...it does wonders)

This for sure, but, remember one thing make sure you do your evap in the dryest possible place you can. IME attempting to evap in a humid environment is much more difficult to get a nice dry cystaline end product.
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Aetherius Rimor
#5 Posted : 11/7/2012 8:53:44 PM
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Would a dessicant like silica assist the drying process?
#6 Posted : 11/7/2012 9:09:55 PM

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I set my pyrex dishes out on a shelf as close to an overhead ceiling fan as possible. Some of the gooier stuff can take awhile to crystallize. It's mostly the oils that take so long to dry out and crystallize.

I've never used silica to dry spice so I have no idea how that would go. My gut says don't do it on the off chance that the silica might come in contact with the solvent.

What I would do, is try to redissolve everything into some heptane/bestine (you could also use naptha too but heptane is generally preferred for re-xing) into something like a test tube... tall, skinny and cylindrical is what you're looking for.

Once you've got everything dissolved in your test tube or whatever, you'll probably have two distinct layers. One of cloudy heptane and one on the bottom with some goopy looking stuff.

Decant the top heptane layer and freeze precip or evap slowly for beautiful crystals. Look into some of the re-x techniques in the advanced chem fora.

With the oil, I'd dump that out into a largish pyrex and do the fan thing some more. The more surface area you give it, the faster it will dry.

This will give you two different kinds of spice and both are amazing.

Don't forget to wash out your glass/evap dishes with some alcohol after you've collected the majority to get those last few mgs. that would otherwise be lost.
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