hells banquet. a feast of heavenly delight and the best company of any life. but all they see is the decadent food and delicious wine. all they think is i cant wait for mine. blind to their neighbor. even the plates are gold but lo and behold, no elbows. how can we eat? they cry. they cry from the heart. deaf to calls of the others around. no sound. no love. no hate as well. to go to hell one needs only to serve their self. but what of heaven? one asks. how can i change this terrible cast? do not, my love. keep what you have. look around you. what do you see? i see only me! pick up your fork and knife. carve a piece of what you would most like. to this end i do. to move into heaven i need only feed you. take this, my most treasured want. i give it to you as my only selfless thought. only then it will begin. hells banquet turns to heavens feast. i feed others and trust they feed me. from where did you come? i am asked. but from the same hell as you, we are not alone. there are others here, they fill every throne. but these seats are empty! at least thats what i thought until you came to feed me. i tell you my love, pick up your fork and knife. reach over and sustain your neighbors life! their life is yours.