Hi,I live in america but spent a large part of my childhood in spain.my mother had us there while she did post grad work in art history focus on moorish archetechture,in Grenada the have a palace called el ahambra and the intricate art and beauty is the closest thing on earth in some of the patterns i see,i could paint for years and could not capture a sliver of the beauty i have seen on a couch in dark room listening to "Pet Sounds"when i hear "God only knows"i can momentarslly capture an image flasback.I completely understand people for there first succsecfull(sp)breakthrough come out muttering Holy Fuck,I am so facinated by the experiance,and it reinforces my thoughts on Carl Gustov Jung's Collective Unconcious,please anyone seeing my paintings(my crude attempt)of visions,of double helixes unraveling and slithering and undulating like a black racer snake,of a world in bright white with 4 robed figures arms outstreched like we would do to force a horse to pasture this gear had all the horses on its teeth galloping,but was interacting with other gears on an emmence scale as if i was on a swiss watch,inside watch,that time I was hearing Captain Beyond,my favorate band as a youngster....forgive my typos,i am going to launch in 5 hours so i gotta download the early 60 classic"Big bad John"too cool.life is fun again
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