Mystic0 wrote:
RESPECT < For what you are taking is an EXTREMELY important factor, if you have no respect for the thing you are taking, it will give you no respect. I seriously believe DMT, Psylocibe, LSD and any kind of Alkaloid has a sentient factor to it, it show's you what you need to see, not the other way around. You need to respect what you are taking, otherwise expect bad thing's to happen.
Much love.
I completely agree. In my opinion, this respect comes with thought, time, and intention.
My introduction to psychedelics was in a group setting, young kids "tripping balls" on mushrooms. Yeah it was fun but I always found myself worrying and tensing up. Especially my bowels.
I didn't touch pshcys for years. Only recently did I find the healing properties of psychedelic medicines.
I'm no longer addicted to alcohol, my ego has been tamed, my depression has subsided, I LOVE LIFE AGAIN!!! Medicines such as dmt, mushrooms, mdma, have opened my mind and heart and soothed damaged parts of my being.
Before I take any medicine, I hold it to my heart and meditate with it.
I ask it questions and focus on my intentions.
Am I taking it for fun? Healing? Meditation? Creativity? Opening chakras? Re-aligning my aura? Dancing? Interpersonal development? Exploring the spirit world? Am i capable of doing work in the spirit world? What do I hope to gain/lose? How will I integrate? Have I given myself time, post journey, to integrate?
(Often its a combination of reasons)
But if its ever an escape, or lacking intention, I will put the medicine aside and do something else. At festivals, this can be tough but sometimes necessary. If I ever feel pressured to take something, like in a group setting at a festival, this automatically is enough to tell me "bad idea".
I do my best to only partake when life is clear enough to do so.
With healing intentions, my mind isn't always in the best spot, thus a need to heal it.
On these occasions, I make sure to set up extra safety nets. ie. Sitter, tell at least two people what I'm going through, what my plan is, what medicine I'm going to take, dose size, when, where, and ask if their available if I need help.
About dose size:
Particularly with mushrooms, I find that small doses (.25 to .5g) are very healing.
Its enough that I feel altered and new patterns of thought open up.
My body relaxes and further meditation ensues.
Taking heroic doses is not something I do at festivals.
To me, a heroic dose is something done with great intention.
Sitter, setting, set, time, diet, recovery time, integration time are all important factors that delicately align to make the experience positive.
If ANYTHING seems "not right" I do not let myself partake.
And how did I get to this understanding of myself and psychedelics?
I had a number of experiences turn dark.
I've taken too much acid, shrooms on bad days, dmt without intention.
These experiences taught me a lot.
The integration can be tough, but once its internalized and let go of, bad experiences can be invaluable . They further my understanding of a psychedelic medicine relative to my health and well being.
Particularly with dmt, Letting go of fear of dark experiences, dark entities, and dark thoughts can be tough. The "what dot do if you encounter dark entities" part of the nexus provides a wonderful framework.
Much love,
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