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Pre-Psychedelics Dreams Options
#1 Posted : 10/24/2012 9:20:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 11
Joined: 19-Oct-2012
Last visit: 10-Jan-2016
Location: Slightly above ground
Hello Nexus. From reading numerous accounts of Psychedelic explorations, the “Like a waking dream" concept has stuck with me and fueled my desire to learn more. I have had many vivid and very real dreams over the past few years that sound similar to Psychedelic experience accounts. These dreams have nudged me along a quest to learn the true nature of my imagination and the world around me. I would like to share a small few of them if I can?

Dream 1:

Folding and shifting environment.

At some point after drifting off to sleep, I became aware that I was “dreaming” and feeling as though I’d fallen out of my bed. I was conscious of my body which was relaxed and my surroundings which were dark at the time. Although no lights were on in my room everything inside gave off a luminous dark green hue. While trying to better make out just what I was seeing/experiencing, I could hear a continuous hum and “swooshing” sound in the distant background. I did not have a desire to move or wake up yet I somewhat felt as though I couldn’t if I wanted to-at least not without some effort. I can remember not being afraid but curious as to what I was seeing, hearing and feeling. The major aspect of this dream was a sense that everything in my room was shifting around me folding, unfolding and turning. I could see, feel and hear my surroundings “move" while I lay there. I recall wanting to get up and walk around when I awoke to a very “normal” looking environment.

Dream 2:

Walking over lava

As with many of these dreams, the exact details of how they began are vague and hard to remember. Here again it seems as if I am thrust into the middle of some situation or scenario. At the point I became aware that I was dreaming this time, I noticed first my body which appeared to be not quite a skeleton but almost glowing white rods or beams. No outer clothing or flesh was visible, nor did I look quite three dimensional. I can remember seeing in front of me a valley of hills and plains which were composed of a moving swirl of bright reds, oranges and yellows. The sky above this terrain was pitch black. I had no clue as to why I was in this environment or how I got there, just an overwhelming sense of “I need to explore this.” I can recall walking through this landscape looking around and occasionally examining my body. Everything was glowing “hot” yet I felt no sense of heat or burning. I remember waking up startled after appearing to fall through a part of the landscape.

Dream 3:

Three with me?

This dream was the most profound and heaviest one to accept and digest. A lot followed this dream including my need to discover the nature of my dreams, what makes up my psyche and my understanding of reality. What also followed was an intense study of Religion, the Paranormal, Aliens/UFO’s, Metaphysics and Spirituality. Those studies and interests continue to this day.
I cannot fully say I was asleep or even awake this time however many dreams can seem so “real.” From what I can still vividly remember, this dream began in a similar fashion of realizing I am now dreaming and in a very “fluid” environment. I usually can only fall asleep in complete darkness and silence yet here again, there was a dark green hue throughout the room. The same hum and other sounds were off in the distance as well. I remember needing to get up and take a trip to the bathroom which I admit was not too out of the ordinary. My hallway leading to the bathroom was dark and I tried to turn on the lights to see with no success. (No idea if the power was out or not) Not giving much though to this I remember making my way to the bathroom door. This door had a full-length mirror on both sides. Looking into the mirror facing me and the hallway, I saw myself under what seemed to be a brighter green spotlight. In addition to this spotlight ,my reflection was surrounded by three “beings.” These very humanoid beings were glowing white and very similar to those aliens in the movie Cocoon. I saw no distinct faces only their form which was about shoulder height to me (I am 6‘2).
I cannot say that I was afraid, happy etc. just kind of surprised. I remember attempting to turn around to get a better look at the beings when I saw one of them point to the center of my chest. A huge bright green light with a white core exploded from my chest. I remember saying to this entity “No” in a firm voice only to wake up lying in bed confused as to what the hell just happened. I must have sat there on my bed for an hour just thinking about what I’d just dreamt.

A break from the surreal

Over the next few months and even years, the dreams I had were of your typical variety-nothing too profound or unusual. Running, flying, falling, the opposite sex *chuckle* etc. Although nothing too out of the ordinary, there remained sense of a very dense, thick and even “living” environment with colors that I have difficulty describing the vibrancy with words. By now almost half of my dreams no matter how mundane had rich artistic feel to them as if I was actually inside an interactive painting.

Dreams and fragmented memories of them

The vast majority of my dreams in very recent years I have had difficulty remembering outside what are like surreal Polaroid or even Veiwmaster slides. These dreams were more or less like billboards thrust in front of me. I got an overwhelming sense that the whole dream is not that important but rather the still images and elements I could recall. These elements resonated with me in that there had to be something I needed to pay close attention to or make note of.

I have gotten a lot from these dreams which have actually enriched my life over the years. I look at my life and the world in which I live a lot deeper and differently than before. I feel at this time there is another layer to these experiences and feelings that will have a larger transformational influence on me-at least I sincerely hope so. Perhaps Psychedelics can be a valuable tool for uncovering the next layer?


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