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cola and red bull Options
#1 Posted : 10/21/2012 12:06:02 PM

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coca cola was originally used as a tonic and was made with coca. it contained cocaine. later the removed the cocaine but still put in the coca extract, just decocainanized (if thats a word) i thought that was to keep the authenticity of the drink. then i discovered red bull was doing the same thing, and i was confused why they would spend money on cocaine free coca extract. the amount of cocaine left over in the drink is way to small to have any effects. then i remembered that coca as well as cocaine, contains scopolamine and atropine. i wonder if they take these out or not. why would red bull spend money on something that has a bad flavor and requires you to process it first?

any ideas?

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#2 Posted : 10/21/2012 7:11:17 PM

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Just don't drink this stuff its not good for you. What is wrong with clean filtered water.

I would not waste my time and intelligence with these two toxic drugs
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#3 Posted : 10/21/2012 7:25:44 PM

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As a regular user of Coca leaves I can honestly say red bull cola has barely anything active in it. I have tried it believe me I drank 4 cans in a one hour period and ..nothing but mild caffiene stimulation resulted.

Coca leaves are not too hard to get if your in the USA, otherwise I'm not so sure.

There is also an alchoholic drink called Agua de bolivia that has coca leaf in it and it seems active to me.

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#4 Posted : 10/21/2012 7:35:00 PM


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Ever wonder what happens to all the cocaine they "remove" before processing the rest of the leaf into coca cola? So do I...

Approximately 100 metric tons of coca leaves are imported to the Stepan Company each year (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepan_Company) under "special permission" from the DEA

Mallinckrodt receives not only all the cocaine from the Coca-Cola imports, but also imports opium from India (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mallinckrodt). In addition, this company also buys THC extracted from marijuana grown in the United States.

It's a reasonable question to wonder where all this cocaine and opium ends up going after it arrives at Mallinckrodt. The official explanation is that it's for "medical use." But let's do the math on this and see if that explanation holds water.

According to various websites that are readily found in any search engine, it takes roughly 300 grams of coca leaves to produce 1 gram of refined cocaine. This means that 100 metric tons of coca leaves (100 x 1000 kilograms, or 100,000 kilograms) can produce roughly 333 kilos of cocaine each year.

All this brings up the obvious question: What is the Mallinckrodt company doing with 333 kilos of cocaine each year? Throwing a big annual Christmas party or something? It is impossible to imagine that 333 kilos of cocaine are being used for "medical purposes" unless you have a very loose definition of "medical purposes."

To this day, Coca-Cola still imports coca leaves which are used to manufacture cocaine in the United States

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#5 Posted : 10/21/2012 7:45:42 PM

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This is a really interesting topic which I was completely unaware of. That's allot of sniff! Perhaps someone should call round at Stepan Company and see whether anyone there is still in possession of their nasal septum. It would be a great motivational tool for their staff. Everyone working at 300% 27 hours a day.
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#6 Posted : 10/21/2012 7:45:57 PM

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wow, thanks for the info dreamer. i've wondered about this as well

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#7 Posted : 10/21/2012 7:51:18 PM

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just to be clear im not interested in getting effects from red bull. i dont drink energy drinks, it was an idea that just popped into my mind
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#8 Posted : 10/28/2012 9:04:45 PM


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Yeah that's strange. Anyway, I recently got this new job, it's pretty cool, I get to dress up in wizard hats and pot leaf sashes and anything in the store really and walk around asking customers if they need help finding anything. Two coworkers thought it would be a good idea to buy a 12 pack of red bull and drink them back to back, the two of them. They each had at least 5 within a two hour period. They were jittery and complained of stomach pains and stuff.

Idk why people do things like that, and this is right after someone had died from 2 monsters I think it was. I stay clear of the shit. Yeah it tastes and smells like magic but it's not something I feel safe putting in my body. Just figured I'd tell that little story Smile
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I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day –and that is what I ask and pray.
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