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Starting an indoor psychoactive garden... Options
#1 Posted : 10/19/2012 1:12:03 PM

Traveler's pet cactus

Senior Member | Skills: Harm reduction

Posts: 497
Joined: 09-Oct-2011
Last visit: 02-Jul-2014
I'm currently toying with the idea to start my own psychedelic garden together with a good friend of mine. He lives a good 2.5 hour drive away from me so running a garden together would be rather difficult as it would require lots of traveling which would waste a lot of energy and resources. So my idea was to find various psycho-active plants(doesn't have to be psychedelic, Saint John's Wort is definitely one of the plants on the list) that are easily cultivated indoors, compile a list and then both of us would take 2 or 3 species under our care, grow them and after several months exchange plants, cuttings or dried material.

Due to circumstances I will become homeless in about 1.5 month and since I'm having a very hard time finding an affordable place to live I will probably move back in with my parents for a period of 6 months which limits the size and plants I can cultivate somewhat. However, since my parents live about an hour away from my current city where most of my social life takes place, I really need a hobby to kill time in the evenings at my parents. I am trying to compile a list of plants that are easily cultivated inside but also have positive effects. I live in in the USDA Hardiness zone 8B and outdoor is not an option as my parents will not allow me to plow over parts of their garden.

I currently own:
- 4 Peruvian Torches
- 1 Peyote cluster (in a state where I think I can clone it into three small clones and the mother cluster)
- 10 peyote seeds
- Various mushroom spores

Plants that I currently have on my list:

- Syrian Rue (apparently very hard to germinate)
- Saint John's Wort
- Tabernanthe Iboga
- B. caapi
- Mimosa Hostilis
- Salvia Divinorum

The list of potential plants is long and I'm having a hard time figuring out a proper list because not all plants are easily cultivated indoors. So, any ideas of what I should / could grow? I can figure out with my friend who will cultivate which plant.

Thanks all Smile
The spice extends life.
The spice expands consciousness.
The spice is vital to space travel.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
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