I would suggest making tea out of ground syrian rue seeds by using 3g - 5g of ground rue per dose.
I usually use 30g of rue to a liter or quart of water and heat it just below a boil so it simmers for 30 minutes.
I then pour off the liquid into a container to set to the side, and then repeat this step 2 more times using the same ground seeds for each of the 2 consecutive 30 minute cycles, pouring off the liquid into the same container, until you have a container with the liquid from all 3 heatings of the same 30g's of rue seeds.
I then pour all this into a pot and heat similarly until this is reduced to about an ounce or 2 per dose, or about 6 to 12 oz total.
You can then filter this reduced liquid thru a coffee filter, or not...
Then, I take the equivalent liquid for a dose (5g for me, or an oz or 2, depending on what your reduction was)
I mix this single dose of tea with twice or thrice the amount cranberry/pomegrante juice, or some other strongly flavored juice, stir it up, and chug a lug..........
20 minutes later, I would drink the dissolved freebase dose, that was dissolved in something acidic, ie. lemon juice, vinegar, OJ, etc.........
Within an hour, you should feel some effects, which come on much slower than smoking......so beware and give it an hour or 90 minutes before deciding if you took enuf for your goals....
If not, take a rip of changa or crystals or infused leaf to boost your experience......
I believe the tea extracts more harmala's/harmaline than just putting the ground seeds into caps and swallowing them.........
Hope this is helpful........
I used 60mg in lemon juice, and found that to be insufficient for my desires..........
Will try 100mg next time.......
Let me know how it goes.......
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........
The above refers to the fictitious 'I'