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#1 Posted : 10/17/2012 10:38:23 AM

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anyone feel like sharing some thoughts, they can be about anything really, look ill even start

no one has to miserable really, understand indifference then people should become happier, the problem is everyone thinks they have a destiny or divine calling and when they fail to meet there destiny and divine callings, they become wrecks often using alcohol and other shit to runaway from the destiny's they themselves have created.

just something that ran through my mind for some reason, i dont know if this topic is going to go anywhere but it'd sure be a thrill if it did i think

cheers! Cool

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#2 Posted : 10/17/2012 10:46:01 AM

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I think mostly that a persons environment is the cause of negative happenings in lives. Upbringing being a huge part in this, also influences from the people around you, friends and family, help shape your view on everything, added to your own personality and genetic dispositions create the paths that your allowed to choose.
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#3 Posted : 10/17/2012 11:08:05 AM

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i guess i can see what you mean, i myself probably didnt have what most would describe as good childhood but i still made the best of it (abusive step-dad, hated me called me girly and other insults, threatening to beat me on several occasions if i didnt meet his standards, and even disowning me from my family when i actually told someone i was afraid of him), but at the same time ive always been able to shut out all the negativity that others would try and force upon and see the world as a bright and shining place still filled with wonder, even if others try and muck it up with there unhappiness,

i dont really resent my step-dad, we were polar opposites and i could see why he probably hated my existence, also i am fairly certain he was a "psychonaut" himself when he was younger, its so strange that it seems like one could see all the same things i have seen, and yet still be so bitter about everything, i guess thats what i really dont understand..
#4 Posted : 10/17/2012 11:21:43 AM

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Probably for the same reason no single event will teach everyone the same lesson. I expect this is why no DMT experience is the same. We are all so different that each experience has to be unique to you. And everything is like that. We are all unique in our own ways.

I also had a rough childhood. With my mom it was a conservative, not very exciting, and normal life. Except my step dad was semi physically abusive and completely verbally abusive. Then I moved in with my dad at 13 and was thrown into a crazy life style of freedom and drugs and bad people and no stability what so ever. I met many people who never did anything with their life, and some blamed it on bs reasons.

Yet I came out of the craziness pretty darn good. I learned from my experiences and formulated my own lifestyle based on what I saw from both ends of the spectrum.
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#5 Posted : 10/17/2012 11:44:37 AM

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i see what you mean, i still feel like im on a journey finding myself, and what i may and could become, regardless of outcome im pretty sure ill be content with whatever that is once i reach my "true enlightenment" but that being said

do you feel that maybe some people should not dabble in these substances? cause he had sort of lunatic aura always about him it seemed, very sadistic and had sick ways of trying to instill fear. i guess i feel maybe some people should leave the doors to their mind shut, but then again once its open it pretty hard to go back, even if your a bit twisted.

oh well i guess i feel i understand the way he probably viewed life and why he was so bitter, but at the same time it doesnt mean i have to really like it heh.
#6 Posted : 10/17/2012 12:55:39 PM

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I def think that said persons view of the world and themselves dictates the most whether or not they should take psychs. Also, some people just don't "see" what they were shown. If some one isn't wanting to improve themselves they won't. So in that case it's unlikely that psychadelic experiences will effect them the same way it did you.
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#7 Posted : 10/17/2012 1:21:45 PM

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anrchy wrote:
If some one isn't wanting to improve themselves they won't. So in that case it's unlikely that psychadelic experiences will effect them the same way it did you.

i think this is very true, i dont know anyone who has been effected in any way by psychedelics except they had a nice trippy time. I have never had any reports of people changing there lives or there views because of a psychedelic experience.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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#8 Posted : 10/17/2012 1:30:48 PM

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I read something, a book or article, about a guy who went and stayed at some kind of monastery. He had to be initiated as an apprentice or something like that in order to do it. He secretly interviewed different monks and one of the questions he asked each one was "what made you decide to come here and live like this?" And the majority of the answers were that they had taken a hallucinogen like mushrooms or LSD and had the most religious experience in there life and was told to become a monk.

I don't know how true it was but interesting all the same. Quite a few articles I've read where normal people goto South America and take aya, come back home and do something major in their life. Pretty amazing stuff. Usually when people make major changes like that its because they weren't following their own path. Simply being shown something amazing and unexplainable can cause people to change whether its real or not.
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#9 Posted : 10/18/2012 7:07:02 AM

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I would have to agree, i think he also might have did some harder things that i would never touch as well, and im also fairly certain he grew up in an abusive household as well, which probably shaped his views on the world.

but at the same time it makes me wonder why i didnt turn it that way as well, i guess some people just see what there parents do and instantly conclude that its the right thing to do without second thought.
#10 Posted : 10/18/2012 8:19:35 AM

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Well for me, I didn't let the pain change me and become bitter. I kept a mindset that allowed me to deal with it rather than let the pain and anger soak in and cause emotional damage. Some people aren't strong enough or properly equipped to overcome the emotional aspect of it. I do have emotional damage don't get me wrong, but I use critical thinking to view my emotions and try an deal with it properly.

I think there is a line though. If the abuse is at a young enough age and the mind hasn't the ability to see the truth and accept what is happening for what it really is then it becomes a different monster.
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