I have to say, over the past couple of weeks I have been questioning things. Why are we here? What is Real? I have been depressed about the direction in which our society is heading as well as the fact that I don’t seem to have control over anything. The world looks like it is headed towards shit and it doesn’t seem like I can do anything about it. The more I look into it the worse it seems to get. In my life, school seems to be shit. The people running it seem to be focused only on how good you are at memorization and it just seems to be a waste of time. I can’t help but think I will forget most of this, so why bother? It all seems like bullshit to me. Why can’t everyone just learn things they are interested in, that provoke their minds and imagination? Or at least only learn things that will be useful to them in their occupation. I am in college studying to be a doctor, and am not really sure if I want to do that anymore. If I could be anything I would be a movie director but I can’t seem to come up with any really good ideas.
About a year ago I came to the conclusion that God (the one from the Bible) isn’t real. I have grown up in a Christian family and went to a Christian high school. Literally everyone I know is a Christian. After studying evolution, and seeing all of the contradictions of the Bible, I felt that everyone has been telling me this lie my entire life. It felt like my eyes were opened like in the Matrix, and I feel stupid for going along with it for so long. I have always had a problem with hell and other aspects of the Bible but I just went along with it because everyone I knew did so too. After a wonderful DMT trip that I had where I felt as if I became one with the universe, I now tend to think that we are all one consciousness, but I am not certain in this belief, only subscribe to it because it seems to me as more likely than anything else that I have heard and is fully compatible with science.
After the many wonderful DMT trips that I have had over the past few months, I finally had a terrible one. A few weeks ago I had a pretty bad pharmuasca trip and it was pure hell. I just couldn’t take it. I took way too much. The Syrian rue made me terribly sick and from there it was just downhill. It was the worst experience of my life. Since then I have been questioning everything even more so than usual. I just can’t get over the fact that there is pain and suffering in this world. Why couldn’t God just make a happy world where everything is good? I came up with all sorts of answers to this. At one point I got this idea that maybe God is evil and just wants to watch things suffer. That idea went away and others emerged. Some ideas were very scary.
I have been watching comedians over the past few months. Something Bill Hicks said just spoke to me today. I just got done watching the final episode of That 70s show. I have been watching a few episodes on and off since about January and just finished the entire series today. There were ups and downs in the relationships between the characters but at the end, that’s what made it special- the ups and downs. If it wasn’t for the bad times they wouldn’t be able to appreciate the good times. I thought, life is just like a movie, and was immediately reminded of Bill Hicks.
He said, “The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.”
I was then reminded of the day I had the terrible DMT trip. After the fear and the pain went away(after a few hours of hell), I probably had the best experience of my life. I was living the moment and I was having fun. I was trying to look at everything positive and was just having a good time. That wonderful experience couldn't have been as good if I had not just experienced hell. Looking at it now I think that life is just like a movie. There will be ups and downs. Not everything happens the way you would like and sometimes it just takes time to figure things out. Everyone has struggles and society as a whole sometimes struggles. But in the end, the different experiences you have (both good and bad) are what make your life special. The bad experiences in life just make the good ones that more special.
I’m not sure where my life will lead me from here, but I hope in the end I can look back and say it was worth living. I hope that when we die and if we live on, whether as a memory of the Universe(God, consciousness, etc.) or as a continuation of ourselves now, or whatever else that could happen, we can see the purpose of our existence and be amazed by the actual reality of the universe. Maybe we can’t fully grasp the amazement of the nature of the universe(God, ourselves, consciousness, etc.) until we have lived through the ups and downs and the genius and stupidity of this life. Maybe that is the purpose of our existence.
p.s. if anyone hasn't seen it, watch this Bill Hicks clip:
BIll hicksthanks for reading, I love you all