ibzahp wrote:Hello and Namaste,
I have questions...so many questions. The synatolepis kirki was the dream herb i most wanted to try but the tumor thing has me questioning the wisdom of that. Thinking this is something that I would like to try 2-3 times at a larger dose so its not like i will be eating my body weight in the stuff..but still has anyone taken it and if so are the results spectacular and hence worth the risk
And then I am more interested in the tabernae montanacorymbosa-anyone actually tried it? sounds like iboga plus. I am enjoying this board. glad you are here. If you have tried it what was it like?
The research behind that is completely flawed, they gave an extremely high dose to a rat that you would never have. you're taking milligrams of it a day.
To put it in perspective, It's like smoking a 1000joints in an hour would probably give you lung cancer but you're gonna be smoking a joint a day... I just got my batch of Kirkii in mail today and I am excited to use it tonight in my tea. So many positive reviews regarding this bark.