I would like to make a huge public thank you to Ekoostik and other members of the nexus who were on chat last night, especially Ekoostik.
Early last night my Grandfather passed away and I had to spend 3-4 hours with my family dealing with the consequences of such, I came on chat needing a little love and got so much more than I could have ever asked for, Ekoo helped my mind with it and helped me also fan out some of the things I was thinking at the time. He also saved me from eating a dose of mushrooms that I think (and my head thinks) would have gone a terribly wrong way.
Waking up this morning I had a nice message from Ekoo saying he was sorry he missed me go and wanted to let me know he understood how I felt about certain things and it was just so needed at that time it nearly brought me to tears again.
This place seriously does not stop ceasing to amaze me, the kindness, love and complete utter understanding just lifts me back up everytime.
So a huge thank you to the nexus for existing and being here, and a huge thank you to Ekoo for being there when strangers need it most.
Much love to the nexus and all those who use it.
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.