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entheogenic plants toxicity to pets Options
#1 Posted : 10/11/2012 2:59:55 AM
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There was a thread recently about how some cats are technically shamans for choosing to eat plants like catnip and others, I am curious to know if there are any psychedelic plants that are toxic to cats (and other pets) should be kept away from them. I was considering getting live psychotria viridis plant and maybe a caapi plant, and maybe a salvia plant as well.

This is not a thread to discuss where to locate such plants, but whether or not some are toxic to pets.
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#2 Posted : 10/11/2012 7:59:13 AM

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This is a really good question since it can be that a plant might taste good to a pet but will actually kill them.

For example, there are for common garden plants that a rabbit will like to eat but some of them will kill the rabbit if it eats it. So the natural protection of eating no toxic plants fails there, probably since many plants today are not originally from the area that is natural to the rabbit.

So yes, what do we know about toxicity of our plants (and other entheogens) to our beloved pets?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#3 Posted : 10/11/2012 10:21:51 AM

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Reminds me of this...


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#4 Posted : 10/11/2012 1:26:59 PM

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I don't have an answer for you, but I am reminded that there are reports of people seeing Jaguars eat caapi in the Amazon. Now I'm not saying that this means anything for cats, but big cats and domestic cats share many psychological tendencies, so your cat may have a taste for caapi. I really have nothing conclusive to offer, but thought I would point that out.
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#5 Posted : 10/11/2012 3:30:31 PM

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For sure, the eating of marijuana plant products is listed by SPCA as one of the most toxic plants to cats. Other common house plants (without known entheogenic effects) such as Diffenbachia (sp?) are also super toxic to cats.

Great subject. I hope it fills in with juicy/depth information. I would hate to read a post about someone's pet nibbling their plant stash of (fill in the blank) then dying an agonizing death from poisoning.
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#6 Posted : 10/12/2012 2:12:51 AM

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mescaline-man wrote:
Global wrote:
I don't have an answer for you, but I am reminded that there are reports of people seeing Jaguars eat caapi in the Amazon. Now I'm not saying that this means anything for cats, but big cats and domestic cats share many psychological tendencies, so your cat may have a taste for caapi. I really have nothing conclusive to offer, but thought I would point that out.

Thats what i was thinking. I would imagine, if Terence Mckenna's theory is correct (i think it is) about evolution from monkeys and the human brain grown by the use of mushrooms over millions of years, that mushrooms would be safe for pets to nibble on. Hell, if they were legal i'd give them to my dog because i'm interested to see if they'll make him smarter. Not much of a difference from monkeys and dogs or us humans. Mushrooms almost have the same ld-50? (not sure if thats right) (lethal dose?) as marijuana which is impossible to even eat that much. Maybe by extraction into a tincure...I'm not telling you to do this or that i'm going to do this. i'm just saying...Laughing I'd like to see my dog communicate english to me one day and tell me the secrets of the universe haha

Edit: I found a scientific study on youtube that proves that mushrooms grow brain cells i'll see if i can find it and i'll post it up, for those who don't know about it.

I don't know if it's fair to say that's what safe for some species is safe for others. DMT, even in tiny doses is fatal to sheep for example, but not to many other species that we know of. The LD-50 for humans is different than for other animals, and may not be indicative of being relative or proportionate.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

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#7 Posted : 10/12/2012 3:12:34 AM

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I don't think giving animals hallucinogens is a good idea. I once observed a small cat that ate a very small mushroom cap. He def tripped and it was kind of sad because that cat was never the same.

Marijuana is toxic to cats? I've known of a few people who's cat got into there stash many times eating sometimes around 3 grams of weed on multiple occasions and those cats were fine, each time. Wonder if maybe that's more propaganda. Who knows.

I'd like to add, those "bamboo" plants you can buy at various stores sometimes are weaves into cool designs, often times referred to as "lucky bamboo" are not actually bamboo. They are a shrub that resemble bamboo but are toxic to cats. We didn't know and my cat munched the leaves many times, we didn't find out till later that that is what was making him sick and throwing up on a daily basis for weeks.
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#8 Posted : 10/12/2012 3:54:54 AM

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I doubt giving your dog psychedelics would make him smarter, you think drugging him for such an experiment is fair?

What if he freaks out, it isn't like he understands that you've just given him psilocybin mushrooms.
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#9 Posted : 10/12/2012 5:59:38 AM

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I had a friend who laid some san pedro outside to dry and his dog ate it. The dog was obviously out of sorts for the day but seemed quite happy although we were flipping out. The dog seemed fine after the day passed. Always be careful with your pets, it was a very disconcening experience and thank god the dog returned to It's healthy normal state. That said I do not feel that a cat would take the psychedelic experience that well, cats seem to me to already be at an elevated perception, and there is that horrible video public domain of a cat on lsd that is sickening.
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#10 Posted : 10/12/2012 6:28:02 AM

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mescaline-man wrote:
Edit: I found a scientific study on youtube that proves that mushrooms grow brain cells i'll see if i can find it and i'll post it up, for those who don't know about it.

are you referring to this?
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#11 Posted : 10/12/2012 6:38:31 AM

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You know one of my buddies once had a Colorado river toad that was entirely consumed by his golden retriever, ever since than his dog had been more human in a way, sitting upright on the couch while fully concentrated on the tv, as well as many other anomalies.
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#12 Posted : 10/12/2012 6:42:13 AM
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It appears as though there are a few known plants toxic to pets, as I've thought. So I suppose the safest thing to do is if I were to buy any psychedelic plants is to keep them up where the cats cannot reach them, perhaps I'll have a catnip plant down at their level so they can have a plant to themselves, and leave my other potentially pet-toxic plants alone.
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#13 Posted : 10/12/2012 8:48:12 AM

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Before you proceed to feed your animal psychedelics, please take a look at this cat that took one for the team.

First time I saw that video I was horrified. Feeding psychedelics to an animal could be severely traumatizing to them and most likely alter them for the rest of it's life in a negative way. Please refrain from doing so.
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#14 Posted : 10/12/2012 9:41:11 AM

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Apologies, If it brings any peace to mind, I exspected most would assume the incident was an accident which occured unknowingly to his knowabouts, act of nature If you will, that video of the cat being tortured in that video however is questionable. Not trying to advocate feeding captured animals entheogens in any way.

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#15 Posted : 10/12/2012 2:21:51 PM
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Pandora wrote:
For sure, the eating of marijuana plant products is listed by SPCA as one of the most toxic plants to cats. Other common house plants (without known entheogenic effects) such as Diffenbachia (sp?) are also super toxic to cats.

Great subject. I hope it fills in with juicy/depth information. I would hate to read a post about someone's pet nibbling their plant stash of (fill in the blank) then dying an agonizing death from poisoning.

I was wondering if it is the marijuana itself that is toxic to cats,or if it is the fertilizers and pesticides used?

After reading around I came across this article http://drbarchas.com/marijuana.

#16 Posted : 10/12/2012 8:21:05 PM

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Once upon a time SWIM's dog got into the mushrooms by accident, perhaps a half gram. Doggy was only about 20 lbs or so. Shocked He sniffed everywhere for several hours like he had never smelled anything so interesting before. Then he slept hard. He appeared to have no ill after effects.
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#17 Posted : 10/12/2012 8:28:57 PM

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Giving drugs of any kind (except vet medicine) to an animal, knowingly or unknowingly is just about the sickest, most heinous, evil thing I can think of (and I can think of some pretty sick things..).

It makes me murderously angry to see it and even think about it...Stop

(btw....I prefer Cats to people) Pleased
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#18 Posted : 10/12/2012 10:36:10 PM

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cyb wrote:

Giving drugs of any kind (except vet medicine) to an animal, knowingly or unknowingly is just about the sickest, most heinous, evil thing I can think of (and I can think of some pretty sick things..).

It makes me murderously angry to see it and even think about it...Stop

(btw....I prefer Cats to people) Pleased

I don't see how an act that you unknowingly do can be evil. That just doesn't make sense.
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#19 Posted : 10/12/2012 10:52:52 PM

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Global wrote:

I don't see how an act that you unknowingly do can be evil. That just doesn't make sense.

Leaving stuff around for our furry friends to find and munch...

Sorry I've been stewing about that all day..
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#20 Posted : 10/12/2012 11:13:31 PM

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cyb wrote:
Global wrote:

I don't see how an act that you unknowingly do can be evil. That just doesn't make sense.

Leaving stuff around for our furry friends to find and munch...

Sorry I've been stewing about that all day..

I understand the act. Still don't see it as evil.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
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