Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place-I wasn't really sure where it should go...
So a few weeks ago, I was kind of randomly gifted some huasca-esque ingredients, and am not really sure what to do with them. Now, I am fairly experienced (if such a ting can be said...) with freebased dmt, shrooms, LSD, and other various entheogens, but have yet to have ayahuasca come to me, and have never really tried to make changa. I havent had a full on breakthrough on freebased in about 2 years now; I had taken a break and have pretty much stuck to low dose mush trips with passionflower and/or (very light) rue supplementation. I have never worked with the vine, and have been just patiently waiting for it to come to me when it does, though deep down I have felt that this would happen this year. I have started growing a few diff vines this year so that whenever it does come to me, I could better understand the spirit of the plant.......Ive always told myself the vine would come to me when I was ready, and then I would do it. I plan to make a trip to SA sometime; I always imagined all of this would come together at the same time, I'd be in a good place in my life where I could afford the trip to SA and I would go see the shamen and have a true aya experience....
But so I was gifted some huasca-esque ingredients...completely unexpected; i would not consider myself ready, except it did come to me.....but it's not the vine I'm just all turned around...... I'm not really sure what I should do with this gift, which included btw 1g Syrian rue full spectrum hcl, 7g passionflower 50x, and 5g chaliponga dry leaves....I also just have some stashes I've been saving and then my garden which periodically gifts me as well; more than enough mush, prob like .2g of some what I call "yellow sunshine" dmt (high quality, leaves you all refreshed & reborn after), .2 of some "purple jungle rock" dmt ( k so this was some pretty pure white, some light orange/yellow, and some dark orange/red that go mixed together then melted in the sun and cooled into this purple/red rock that is strong, but different...less pleasant and colorful, leaves you pretty tired and sleepy and ready for bed), like 7g of Syrian rue seeds, 7g salvia leaves, 4 fresh small ~1in. Leaves off what I believe to be a baby banisteriopsis muricata....I also have available a few fresh alicia anistopetala leaves, fresh acacia confusa and simplex phylloides, as well as leaves of various brugmansia cultivars including STRONG culebra strain (I have been working with these nightshades for a few years now and am comfortable using them in VERY minute doses...example, I once smoked half an inch off the tip of a culebra leaf mixed with some pot and I had probably the worst chemical nasal drip Ive ever experienced, or the same amount soaked in a cup of cold water for 30 minutes then brought to lukewarm then sipped over the next few hours....that's as far as I takeit and deff do not recommemend it to others). I got some good pot, some Pau d'arco bark, and old Cebil (anadenanthera colubrina) seeds. And I think thats what I got to work with.
Part of me isn't sure if I want to make a drink since a) I don't have any vine b) Im not opperating with any shamanic guidance and c) I'm not sure how I'd dose it (is 5g even enough chaliponga? I've used some to feel it out, so I think there's less anyway- I have a scale but I need to recalibrate it). I could chew on some caps if I felt like I needed to go further, but would that takeit to just a whole different place? So I was thinkn maybe I could try making some changa and working with that, but I kind of felt like I should have the drink first to have something to compare to, try the original recipe befor I mix in 20 different plants... And it's not a lot of freebase to work with, I mean of the jungle rock i have prolly 1 pretty solid breakthrough (but it's a different journey, whatever it is now), but of the yellow idk, I might breakthrough, but I don't really think its enough for a full on blastoff......
Advice please?