Some may have heard this view point before, but I like it....
I grow many plants. I love growing plants. It is so calming and soothing. I teaches patience, and takes some skills. One I have been developing is listening to the plants. They always say how they are feeling, so I just have to learn to listen and understand.
I do have many plants of power like cactus, mushrooms, chacruna, and salvia. I like to think I am the master. They are here because of me! They depend on me! I have many them around for the substances they contain, as well as some for their beauty.
But who is the master? I spend much time fussing over my plants and shroomies. They are treated like royalty! I do all the work, and all they have to do is grow fat and happy. They throw me a bone every once in a while ( in the form of leaves, fruits, etc.) but they don't care if I'm happy! At least not before their own happiness.
Perhaps these plants have developed a mind, and they make these things to attract willing workers to tend to them.
I, for one, welcome our plant overlords!
Be an adult only when necessary.