It's taken me a little while to gather the will to post this, but I think it may be worthy, of at least my own, future studies.
Ok, I've gotten
slightly used to the onset, and almost total dissolution of my senses/everything normal under the embrace of dmt. I've gotten slightly used to dosing at around 30mgs. Seems to shoot me farther than I'd ever want, and exactly where I need to be, at the same time.
When I start getting my sense back, at least, partially, I've began to notice that if I focus on either, a specific point/object or a specific pattern array, it seems as though things start to break down. By breaking down, I mean.. for lack of a better term, the space/time at that one specific point I'm focusing on starts to morph, and fade. The reality of that object, or that part of the wall, begins to cease, and, only that one spot begins to vibrate, immensly.
I know this sounds insane.. and as I'm writing it, it sounds even more insane to me.
Let me put it another way.. to make it make more sense for me.. lol, more than for you I suppose.
Ok, you know how 'telekinesis' is suppose to work? You're focusing on a specific object, enough so that it may possibly eventually move. You're focusing all of your will, onto/into this object. And, it moves? Not saying this is something I can do, but, more, this is something that relates to the feelings and impressions I get from my own little experiences.
I was pretty out of it. Don't really remember that last trip into hyperspace to much, but, I do remember begining to get my senses back, and loving every minute of it. I sort of, zoned out. Started focusing totally on this one pattern that appeared on my wall. A paisley type pattern, is the closest I can come to naming it. But.. it wasn't really like that, exactly. The letter E comes to mind, over and over. It's some tyyype of paisley, I suppose. But, I kept all of my attention, all of my focus, directed at those patterns. One spot specifically, so I could see it all, flowing back and forth, growing. I kept focusing, harder, and harder, and I almost got stuck in this.. like loop. But, it wasn't a loop so to speak, it was, more, just total zoned out, but I knew what I was doing.
So, I'm giving these patterns my total and undivded attention, and everything in a two foot radius around the spot I was focusing on starts to vibrate. Left and right. I started to get worried that that might actually be messing with or harming the snake I have, her tank is right next to this spot. I quickly shook that feeling and gave everything back to focus. Things started to dissolve, everything turned into atoms, or sand, it looked. Just total disassembly of all the matter around this spot. Re-focus. That can't happen. It's not real. Then.. light just started pouring in from the wall from this spot, and two feet around it. Everything around there got brighter and brighter, but every other part of the room was normal. No extra light, no weird patterns. Periferals told me that. This light, just kept getting brighter and brighter, and things started to fall off the wall. The glass from the tank started to turn to atoms, and slowly fall away.
I thought, "Am I really f*cking doing this? There is no way in hell my mind is tearing a hole in space/time. Get real"
Then the wall ripped open.
And there was such a white light coming from that rip. It felt like my head was shaking at this point. My vision was getting slightly messed up, and everything else around this rip was sort of, distorting. (When you're watching something on tv about black holes, and an item gets sucked into that black hole? That instant right before, when it stretchs out, and warps.)
I thought, this is getting a little to real, even for a trip like this, that I'm totally coming down from. NOT going up.
My focus faltered a little bit, and everything went back to normal, instantly.
I was.. so sooo amazed by what just happened. Something like that's never happened before.
I had this weird little pressure, almost in the middle of my forehead, for the next 24 hours. It was like a headache, pressure wise and all, but with no ache whatsoever.
Now.. I'm not sure if this would be better put in the trip reports, or general discussion, but I decided to put it here.
I guess my questions are, has this ever happened to any of you before? And, well, it's almost funny to ask such a question.. but is this sort of thing even possible? If I kept my focus on that point long enough, would something real have happened?
I'm really not suggesting that such a thing could happened in the real, physical world, but the way this stuff has changed the way I think about alot of things, some trivial, some, not so trivial, it just makes me wonder.
What is this stuff.. really.
Super Radical wrote:Naww. MJ sandwich is the way to go the first time.
Then next time after the WTFOMG moment, realize your ready to changa things up.
It's more special that way.
'DMT is not one of our irrational illusions. What we experience in the presence of DMT is real news. It is a nearby dimension-- frightening, transformative, and beyond our powers to imagine, and yet to be explored in the usual way. We must send fearless experts, whatever that may come to mean, to explore and to report on what they find.' - Terence McKenna