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SWIM's DMT experience...Breakthrough? Options
#1 Posted : 9/30/2012 1:23:40 PM

The Seeker

Posts: 201
Joined: 12-Sep-2012
Last visit: 18-Feb-2019
Location: The Shroom Fields
Hey Everyone, SWIM is still new to the Nexus and Spice in general. He's Smoked some 5-Meo a few times and recently completed an extraction(Nowman's Tek) and has just started experimenting with N,N-Dmt, which he must say is more enjoyable. He Started of with doses ranging from 15-20Mg vaped in a pipe on some Cannabis. This gave definite visuals and a great feeling of bliss. SWIM has started increasing his doses to 25-30Mg. This has been immensely more profound and enlightening, SWIM's last experience at this dose was the most intense yet...

SWIM put 30mg of white crystal spice in his glass pipe on a bed of Kush, then put a little more cannabis on top for "padding." He vaped the spice careful not to burn any, inhaling Slowly of 60 seconds minimum(he smokes a lot of cannabis and can take rather LARGE hits) Holding in for another 30 seconds minimum. Upon exhaling he was catapulted in to the colourful world of DMT, Where he's been before. However this time their was this Fluid flowing with energy and light beneath him, Swirling and pulsing to the sound of this "hum." Then, Almost instantly the fluid rose up and engulfed Swim filling him with tremendous emotion. He started flowing "down stream?" with the fluid, he could feel the energy of the fluid passing through his being. he was traveling at what felt like incredible speed, swirling and surging in this fluid. All of a sudden this sense of "belonging" came over him as the speed at which he was traveling slowed. Then these glowing orbs of light appeared out of nowhere, 1 or 2 at first then dozens maybe thousands, changing colours and racing around above his head. forming these geometric patterns and shapes, quite amazing. Then they appeared to start guiding him to this nexus(no pun intended) where there was this crystal looking object/structure pulsing and giving off that "whoom whoom" humming in his head, it looked as if it where made up of smaller crystals all interconnected and shifting patterns and shape. The orbs all converged upon this crystal giving off an increbably bright white light. This is where things get cloudy for SWIM, he remembers "communicating" with the crystal although no words where spoken but can't remember the conversation, then returning "home." But the light is like a mental memory gate He can't get through, frustrating.

Swim was wondering if any other Nexians have had similar experiences and if any senior members have any tricks to remembering the experience better for future uses?
He's sure that with increased practice his memory will improve.

--Sykosis is nothing more then a material manifestation of the collective minds and thoughts of many.
No one individual can be held accountable nor responsible for any of the actions Preformed by this user. All opinions, thoughts, statements and ideas expressed by this user are nothing more then a mere coincidental, incoherent, incomprehensible, fictitious rambling and should be treated as such.--

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/30/2012 1:49:08 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports

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Sounds like a breakthrough to me. It's hard to tell how similar our experiences are because it's really so difficult to accurately convey them sometimes. In terms of remembering, if you're in the throws of the experience, and you determine that you see something you'd like to remember, your best bet is to focus your concentration on remember that aspect. You can only take so much back with you, so it's a choice you have to make between devoting full attention to the entire experience and potentially not remembering as much, or concentrating on one facet to bring back to reality like a jewel of consciousness. The more you journey the more you'll remember. Your brain will begin to develop certain expectations that it can work with in its typical mode of expectation-based memory. I think lots of hyperspace is hard to remember because the expectations of what it is are very different from the day-to-day scenarios we find ourselves in. If you didn't have words for the stuff on the shelves in the grocery store you hypothetically went to yesterday, your memory of going to the grocery store would be similar to that of hyperspace. Just think if you went into an ethnic grocery store in a country you've never been in, and then try and remember all the things you saw the next day, and good luck! Very happy

Also lately there's part of me that just gives up on remembering sometimes. I understand that the experience will be here and gone before I know it, so I just try and enjoy it as much as I can while it's happening. Sometimes you just gotta stay present and stay observant.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#3 Posted : 10/1/2012 10:29:50 AM

The Seeker

Posts: 201
Joined: 12-Sep-2012
Last visit: 18-Feb-2019
Location: The Shroom Fields
Thanks for the advice Global,
I figured something that profound must be a breakthrough and if it wasn't i'd almost be scared to experience one, I'm sure things can still get much more intense but I'll be taking baby steps to insure I don't over do it.

Will definitely try to put some of your advice in to practice and just enjoy the experience as a whole.

If you didn't have words for the stuff on the shelves in the grocery store you hypothetically went to yesterday, your memory of going to the grocery store would be similar to that of hyperspace. Just think if you went into an ethnic grocery store in a country you've never been in, and then try and remember all the things you saw the next day, and good luck!
I liked your analogy, although it made me hungry.

--Sykosis is nothing more then a material manifestation of the collective minds and thoughts of many.
No one individual can be held accountable nor responsible for any of the actions Preformed by this user. All opinions, thoughts, statements and ideas expressed by this user are nothing more then a mere coincidental, incoherent, incomprehensible, fictitious rambling and should be treated as such.--
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