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Psilocybe semilanceata trip report~an awakening to a bigger part of my tru identity Options
#1 Posted : 9/24/2012 10:37:47 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: The Milky Way Galaxy
Dosage: 55 mushrooms. Female, 57 kilos ( later I found out normal dosage is 20-30 mushrooms..so....I was tripping hard..hehe...)
Setting: alone at a beatiful and safe place in nature in Norway, under a 50 meeter tall mountain on the left side with beautiful oak and pine trees and moss coverd rocks on the right side, making it feel like a safe cocoon.

I have been drinking ayahuasca many times, and have been smoking a lot of dmt, but those experiences can not compare with my first trip on psilocybe semilanceata. I belive this is the people from the norths medicine plant, just like ayahuasca is for the indians in the south of america, and iboga for the africans. It felt so right to consume this wonderful plant. I dont understand why its not more appreciated by our cuture, and why northern europe people keep searching for answers through ayahuasca and other medicine plants, when the most amazing medicine plant grow right here in our own backyard...

I powdered the dried mushrooms and swollowed it down with water. Didnt taste bad at all. After about 30 minuits I stared to see the rocks and the trees pulsating, after a while it got stronger and I could hear this familiar high pitch tone it my brain going higher and higher. I started to see patterns very similar to what I see on dmt, and those "people" I see in there that runs the show around, I could see them as well. Was very similar to my standard changa trips. When I closed my eyes, it looked like I was in a place like you know the playstation game spyro, the purple dragon, it was like that, just with a lot of patterns. Was really beatiful. But, this was just the first part of the uptrip.

I sat up to look around instead, and its the most amazing wiew I have ever had in my life. Nature has such an amazing beauty, I wish I could always see like that!! The bugs flying around, the crystals on the ground, the green plants both the ones you see normally, and the ones I could see while tripping, and the intricat and concious pattern on the rocks...wow...cant be described with words, you have to see it for yourself..
I could see and understand how our reality is a fysical hologram, that consists of only energy...

I was bombarded with questions like who are we, what is life, why is life, why are we here, who are god, why are everything exicting, just hundreds of questions like that, but it felt like it came from outside of me, like someone was putting them in my brain. And I could see the shadows of theese huge people that lives inside that dimension, and I got the feeling that they have created our race to work out the answers to the many questions they have. Because you cant truly know whats outside of the universe while you are in here, but when you trip while you are in fysical form, it helps solving a lot of the questions..

After that the real trip started. I could see so much, like the whole universe felled down in my head and tried to fit inside my brain. Its like mushrooms is a fysical and organic computersystem thats spread all around our universe, and stores all of the information from all of our universe. And when you eat the mushrooms fruit, you insert a whole package compressed with that information into your own computer system.. It felt like my tiny brain was going to shortcut or just fysically explode, it was a total system overload with information. I belived I was going to die, that now I had done it, I had poisened myself to death, and I was going to die there. But, I did survive. Im so eternal grateful, for everything!

I was tripping like that for hours, but it felt like an eternity, like time didnt exist. I went out on theese seperate trips, seeing stories or memories from our collective consiousness. I could see all of our history and feel all the emotions we have ever felt. And emotions we will feel in the future. I could see evolution, and where we are in it as a universe at the moment. Our universe is actually quite young. Like it have lived only about one 10th of its entire lifecycle. I could see possibilities to where evolution might bring us in the future. And humanity are so close to one of the shifts now..... I could see how wonderful it is to be a part of a positive collective consiousness were everyone is happy, loved and consiouss. Its going to be so different from what we are experiencing now.

I could see how all the relationships and all the experiences through my life, had been planned before I incarnated, to help me grow and expand in the directions I wanted. And I could see how I need to let go of everything, all my attatchments, all my need for control, and just surrender to life, and live it in the most magnificent way I can. Life is a gift, and its so important to not waste it. Your own power is so much bigger that what you are thought to belive. You matter, everyone matters, everyone is a part of the big puzzle, the big collective conciousness, and everyone needs to play their part in the best way possible. Dont waste your life, dont waste your opportunity to make this world a better place.

I could se the fake system put in place by those who hijacked the earth in the past (about 6000 years ago?) They are doing so much to keep this planet under their control. I think its because they are fearing death. They are enlightend egoes, wich makes them very limited and not capable of understand life and death, so they fear it instead and try to control it. They are eating our energy, making or lives unnaturally short, its so crazy what they are doing to humanity. They are programming us from the day we are born, starting with our programmed prarents. They are making us live inside this "voluntair" prison system, were we work as their slaves our entire life, only beliving we are free people. But this is going to change. Its going to be a shift really soon. It has a lot of different possible outcomes though, but I know its going to go after the plan, and humanity will win their freedom back. Its really nothing they can do.. thats just life... thats evolution...

I could see how we create and manifest everything into our realities. You are so powerful, and capable of creating everything that you want. But you need to free yourself from the influence of the fake system, you need to cleanse yourself from the system on all levels. Dont eat dead animals or products full of poisions, eat orcanic clean food. Dont drink alcohol or do drugs, they are designed to dumb you down so you dont get aware your own power. Dont go to the voluntary torture chambers, also called discotec and dance parties. Dont work in their system, make money in other ways until we can get rid of the entire mony system for good. Dont put your children in daycare or school, and dont let them get programmed by the programming apparatus also called tv. Dont use their docors or drugs and vaccines, get real healing through healers and medicineplants. Be nice and loving to eachother. It is enough of everything for everyone...no need for competition....

Life is a trip. Everytime we incarnate, its like going on a trip. Its like we are fragments of God tripping. Like we are a braincell inside the universe, and the universe is a big brain that belongs to a bigger God, and the real God or the source where all come from has billions of those brains everywhere. I could feel how we all are one, how we all are God. The universe the existense it so huge its not possible to understand it or take it all inn while we only are this tiny tiny fragment of God...Life is so weird.. But wonderful!!! I love life, and im so grateful I have the privledge to be here and experience all that I experience right now. Im so glad I didnt die on friday...

This experience made me discover a bigger part of my tru identity and soul mission here on the planet. Im a system buster, and a tagger. Im going to tag awakening quotes all over my city, to help humanity awake from their prison reality. ;-)
Its quite clear to me now, why the evil people have said mushrooms is illegal. Actually the mushroom I ate have one of the stictest drug laws in Norway. And its so much propaganda around it, and all the tru info about it is hidden. Its because they are so scared that people can se what I saw when I ate them.....

Please go and eat some psilocybe semilanceata...its your human right! Its grows everywhere here in Norway. Really easy to find!!! :-)


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 9/24/2012 3:57:46 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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sonatine wrote:
"" I belive this is the people from the norths medicine plant, just like ayahuasca is for the indians in the south of america, and iboga for the africans""

I agree with this statement.

""I could se the fake system put in place by those who hijacked the earth in the past (about 6000 years ago?) They are doing so much to keep this planet under their control. I think its because they are fearing death. But you need to free yourself from the influence of the fake system, you need to cleanse yourself from the system on all levels. Dont eat dead animals or products full of poisions, eat orcanic clean food. Dont drink alcohol or do drugs, they are designed to dumb you down so you dont get aware your own power.""

My thoughts exactly.

""Its quite clear to me now, why the evil people have said mushrooms is illegal. Its because they are so scared that people can se what I saw when I ate them.....""

Yes, the only way they can get people to follow THEIR system is to constantly work at dumbing them down!

""Please go and eat some psilocybe semilanceata...its your human right!""


"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#3 Posted : 9/24/2012 4:12:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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"I have been drinking ayahuasca many times, and have been smoking a lot of dmt, but those experiences can not compare with my first trip on psilocybe semilanceata. I belive this is the people from the norths medicine plant, just like ayahuasca is for the indians in the south of america, and iboga for the africans. It felt so right to consume this wonderful plant. I dont understand why its not more appreciated by our cuture, and why northern europe people keep searching for answers through ayahuasca and other medicine plants, when the most amazing medicine plant grow right here in our own backyard..."

I agree..I think there is a very rich and somewhat hidden occult history involving the mushrooms throughout europe. While I love ayahuasca and DMT to death, I love the mushrooms equally and think they are somewhat underrated at times. Ive never had psilocybe semilanceata yet but they do grow here..I always focused on psilocybe cyanescens for a local species but I really want to find some semilanceata this year!
Long live the unwoke.
Sky Motion
#4 Posted : 9/24/2012 7:26:10 PM


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People underestimate mushrooms, nice report, intense & gripping.
#5 Posted : 9/24/2012 11:40:38 PM

Not I

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Before DMT there were mushrooms.
After DMT there will be mushrooms.

They may make it impossible for the world to extract DMT, but mushroom spores are everywhere...and growing them is dead simple.

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
#6 Posted : 7/15/2013 3:18:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Nice report, seems like a very nice place to have that kind of experience too.

I agree with the above comments about the impact of mushrooms. I really feel like they are my ally.
"It permits you to see, more clearly than our perishing mortal eye can see, vistas beyond the horizons of this life, to travel backwards and forwards in time, to enter other planes of existence, even (as the Indians say) to know God." R. Gordon Wasson
#7 Posted : 10/17/2013 11:40:32 PM

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Great report, thanks for sharing! I assume you found them your self in the nature of Norway, is that correct?
#8 Posted : 12/17/2013 6:52:13 AM

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Location: Earth, of course??
You've no idea how this affects me....

I have to go get some now.


Thank _/o\_ You
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