Hello g00bed,
I had a similar experience, though I am not entirely sure it was not just a trick of my mind, as the entities do not match anything I have ever heard of. It was also on LSD. The first experience I can relate to is your 15th experience. Again, it was on LSD, I was sitting on my back porch with my roommates, one of whom was also tripping, the other was not. The one who wasn't asked us if we wanted to join him on a blunt, since we were both coming down at that point we thought it was a great idea.
Bare with me though, the end is the part I think we can relate on,
Again we were all sitting together on our back porch, which is an enclosed space because we live in Florida by still water (mosquitoes). Anyways, I raised the blunt to my mouth and closed my eyes, enjoying the visuals I took a huge hit in and held it in my lungs. The visuals grew much more intense and brighter. Then I realized that my visuals were taking forms beyond the usual random abstractions. They began to form my memories and experiences, layers upon layers. Like those bundles of paper that you buy at the store. So many layers. It enclosed my mind. Then they began to separate.(I have a strong background in psychology and sociology and I believe I may write my dissertation on the bundling of experiences, social constructs, and memories and it's role in the psychedelic experience.) I have played with the idea of Buddhism in the past and meditate for my own well-being so I knew a few tricks to navigating my mind at this point, using these I had to force myself deeper into my mind. When my memories pulled back like orange peel after orange peel I could feel it accelerating. Going deeper, seeing scenes from my childhood interlocked with scenes from yesterday and a couple years ago. It formed a membrane around me. When the final layer of the membrane pulled back though it revealed a deep black void. At the time I was fairly new to Psychonautics. And I attributed the blissful interconnected feeling as being part of or tapping into Carl Jung's theorized collective unconscious. I'm not yet convinced that he wasn't onto something huge as it is.
However, and tl;dr here, I had been holding this massive marijuana hit in this entire time. I finally released it and opened my eyes to tell my roommates about what I saw/felt/experienced except they were gone. I was in a solid blank white room, which felt realer than reality (rather unsettling mind you.) and in my roommate's places or seats were two solid blue humanoid figures. I mean humanoid to mean bipedal, binocular, and the ability to walk upright. That is all I could gather from my observations as the experience was rather quick. They resembled the blue man group, except no mouth and completely naked with no sexual organs. When they realized that I saw them they both stood up in unison and placed their hands over my eyes, and just like that I'm back to reality and my roommates are none the wiser, they thought I had zoned out or something. When I had tried to move to resist them placing their hands over my eyes, I couldn't. I had entered a catatonic state. Which I must have just entered as I was moving my arms around (passing the blunt) while I was watching the membrane, and after it popped, (opened my eyes). So maybe they induced the catatonic state, or maybe it's all a trick of the mind. But after that, I dove into the world of Psychonautics deeply.
Also, I have seen three golden rings around myself as well. I had never mentioned that to anyone and the fact that you report it as well lends credence to the fact that maybe there is indeed more to the world of psychedelics. I have also recently started to see various peoples energies. Which has led directly to my belief in chakras, or a similar internal energy, as I had not believed it at all before. Which also dispels the placebo effect argument for me, and though I cannot prove it to anyone, I truly did not believe in a world beyond the tangible. And the placebo effect is typically caused by strong convictions within the individual.
Sorry it's so long, first post and so much to say to such a marvelous community.
Pinkie Pie
"You cannot wake a man that is pretending to be asleep"