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How can i get rid of bad luck curse?? anyone with shaman or voodoo exprience? Options
#1 Posted : 9/17/2012 5:33:08 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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You know the feeling how sometimes you are lucky and everything goes your way and you win and against all odds things still go your way.

Then there are times when all odds are in your favour but you still loose, anything that you put your attention on will loose, the more you try to stay positive and the wors it gets, and everything will just go wrong for you, where your almost curtain there is a invisible negative energy force, opposite to what you would call god is working against you and feeding of your negative energy.

For every one of those positive lucky phases i seem to get 4-5 negative, and i almost feel like im cursed.

It could also have something to do with my chakras as i know someone of them arnt open or functioning properly, distrupting the energy flow in my body, causing me to feel like ****, down and negative, hence my reality taking the same shape and causing negative events or scenarios to come up in my life.

now im not saying everything has to go my way forever, but as long as it doesnt happen in a manner where i feel like im cursed, and if there was at least even balance then it would be much better.

i know dreams have meaning, and in recent dreams and generaly for long period of time i sort of feel like my dreams trying to tell me there is something stopping me from bieng happy like a force working against me, e.g where are frog is supposed repsent fortune/oppertunity/peace etc i see a snake coming slowly and killing it. thats just one example.

i often try to meditate and relax my mind, but a portion of my mind, im not sure if it even ismy mind, some force keep preventing me from quitening my mind and relaxing that keeps bringing up thoughts and scenarios which bring up mind chatter etc preventing me from quitening my mind and tyring to open my chakras.

this issue has ruined my life in many ways, and continues to keep me on a low negative vibe,and i feel like because of this im not getting anywhere and just going around in circles.

any help will be appriciated.

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#2 Posted : 9/17/2012 6:53:09 AM


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No shaman or voodoo experience here but I have had my share of troubled times so I can share some points of view you may not have considered.

sc001 wrote:
Then there are times when all odds are in your favour but you still loose, anything that you put your attention on will loose, the more you try to stay positive and the wors it gets, and everything will just go wrong for you, where your almost curtain there is a invisible negative energy force, opposite to what you would call god is working against you and feeding of your negative energy.

Some people believe that you know you are on the right track when everything starts to fall apart, that the darkness will try harder to get you down as you ascend the steps to happiness and light. I don't know how true this is but it sure can seem this way sometimes, but there really is some merit to keeping your head up and fighting through those tough times, if you believe you are doing the right thing then by all means keep doing it, keep fighting those forces.

You may want to examine your motives and your heart to make sure you are doing the right thing, but don't fool yourself by making excuses for your motives, you can deceive yourself more than anyone else can so watch out for that.

sc001 wrote:
It could also have something to do with my chakras as i know someone of them arnt open or functioning properly, distrupting the energy flow in my body, causing me to feel like ****, down and negative, hence my reality taking the same shape and causing negative events or scenarios to come up in my life.

Chakras aside, you are right when you point out that feeling down and negative with cause your reality to take the same shape. This goes hand in hand with the first point, keep your head up and no matter how bad it gets, try harder. Happiness isn't going to be handed to you, you create it. The same goes for negativity. Yes, there will be times when the light shines right on you and you just feel blessed or you fall into a pit of despair regardless of your efforts, but the only way out of that pit is to climb.

Other than that, it sounds like you are really taking this "bad luck" seriously and letting it go to your head. Accept it as a rough time and move on, don't dwell on how bad things are or even entertain the idea that you are somehow cursed.

Maybe you need to change up your routine a bit? Get some exercise, do something for yourself, eat well, drink lots of water, get some good sleep? There are many factors that could physically contribute to a negative mindset hence a rough patch. Keep with the meditation but maybe instead of worrying about quieting your mind so much, let your thoughts flow for a bit then return to your mantra to reset the thought process.

Probably a good idea to take a rest from psychedelics if you are using them, give your mind a break and maybe treat yourself to a nice vape session or something as a reward.

Much peace and happiness my friend. Remember, there would be no good times without the bad.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#3 Posted : 9/18/2012 1:35:58 PM
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i dont use any psychedelick drugs.

yeh i undrestand what your saying and its true. the more knowledge that you gain and more you learn there seems to be ever increasing force trying to bring you down. Its like when im in a positive mood, i feel like its constantly under threat buy the negative force and i have to be alert and watchful for the positive feeling to stay. sort of like some force/energy is trying to prevent you from rising and gaining more knowledge.

fred green
#4 Posted : 9/18/2012 5:25:12 PM
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Esphand ,has been used for millennia to dispel the curse of the evil eye. Its syrian rue seeds. You dont have to take it, just burn it like inscence and recite a verse .http://www.luckymojo.com/aspand.html good luck and relax,everything will fall into place
#5 Posted : 9/18/2012 7:02:23 PM

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sc001 wrote:
i dont use any psychedelick drugs.

^ Here's the most likely source of all your troubles IMO. Very happy
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#6 Posted : 9/18/2012 8:50:11 PM

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This a really hard one to explain but the answer itself is really easy its not really a question of focusing on the good but more not to focus on the bad or more of a let the bad feeling go away (way easier said then done by the way especially when your feeling down)recently me and my friend went downtown to pick up psy gathering tickets because he was getting paranoid that no more tickets where gonna be left. I was indifferent to it in my mind there was no way this was going to be sold out and if ever it was then it wasn't meant to be( also forgot to mention expect and accept the worst it helps a lot to) when we arrived there to were we buy our tickets clerk had advised us that we had to go to the location of the psy gathering for ticket as their the only one selling them (Now we were Sunday it was 2pm at that time) which was about a 8 min car drive or a long uphill walk or subway ride my friend said we should take the subway i was against the idea it was our last days of summer it was a beautiful day and i said lets walk it and my friend reluctantly accepted. During our walk we kept on seeing all sorts of shop to distract us we didn't stop continued our walk when we arrived it was close to 4pm the place was closed on Sunday. We were not aware but before we realized that its closed a girl comes out of the door to lock it behind her we ask if its still open she answer no sorry were closed on Sunday i just came by to grab some ticket for the psy gathering to go and sell some (this for me was pure syncronism if we had taking public transport like my friend wanted to or stopped anywhere during our walk or would of went their directly we would of never got those tickets) and she sold em to us cheaper then what we though was the price. The rest of the day was just a breeze everything was enjoyable. My friend made me realized that our attitude was probably the reason that it had happen( as crazy as this sound we don't believe in coincidence anymore i had already accepted the fact we were not going to have tickets i didn't focus on the fact that they were sold out and i was enjoying my walk on a sunny Sunday afternoon) this was just a recent event in my life but when i think of it when i use this approach i always get similar results moral of the story don't let the negative affect you accept the worst and learn what it can teach you so you don't have to actually go through it and enjoy your day the rest will fall into place. However i completely know for a fact that some day its really really hard to do so takes a lot of practice but curses are something that you inflict on yourself when you believe that your under the effect of one. We as human are stronger then to be affected by petty curses unless you believe in it and if you really believe this is the result of a bad spirit burning white sage is always a good way to purify yourself and rooms and its pretty cheap and easy to access hope this helps also remember this for curse it a Japanese saying but i find it fitting a curse makes 2 graves one for the person cursed and another for the person who gave the curse( to mean if you throw a curse it comes back in your face so if someone would really know how to throw a curse they wont because of that, its karma.
#7 Posted : 9/18/2012 9:36:08 PM

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archaic_architect has pretty much pinned the tail on the donkey.

My experience has been that neg energy attracts neg energy. Now you can call it whatever you want, whether you are spiritual religious or completely atheist. Negative actions, negative energy, negative thought, negative spirits/demons, it all goes hand in hand, its all the same thing (IMO).

I have a friend that is going through the EXACT same thing, has for awhile now. Unfortunately I havent been able to help him in the way I would like, which has taught me that you shouldnt impose your ideals to a point, he will have to figure it out on his own eventually. What I see though is this (and his exp may not be the same as yours):

His choices, while they seem like good ones to him, have not been the best choices he could have made. Now this is not biased, others around him feel the same and for the same reasons. For example, he has not been able to acquire a job that pays him good enough, can give him the hours he needs, or even keep him working. He always gets stuck in the same repetition, cant make enough money to get his license back, but keeps working at the same place hoping that eventually they will give him a raise or that something will happen in his favor.

Now without details I cant really give advice on different things you should change or try ect. One thing you can do though, is keep your head up. If you reside in negative thoughts you will just invite more in. You cant swim in the murky waters of depression/sadness. You also should pay attention to all options you have, analyze your choices and all the possible outcomes, seek help and guidance from others that have been in your shoes, come up with goals and find the best possible paths towards those goals.

If you dont make any changes in your life things are "likely" to continue in the way that they have. I was in a bad rut for a long time, I kept making changes yet the same style of things would happen to me. I finally came to the realization that for me it was the majority of people I had surrounded myself with. THEY were causing me to reside in a certain mindset that was causing me to make cirtain choices. Without changing the people I put around me I was not able to change how I saw things and the choices I made.

The point is, everything you do on a day to day basis, defines who you are in the way that its an influence on the way you think and the choices you have and will make. Where you live, who you live with, who you hang out with, what hobbies you do, all your interactions are going to influence any choices you have or make. Some more than others.

If you change certain aspects of your life, you will open up different possibilities that you have. New options mean new goals new paths and new understanding. Just like owning different cars influence the way you drive. Mini van vs muscle car.

Don't drive the mini van of life.
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#8 Posted : 9/19/2012 9:53:58 AM

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Hey man,

I'll share my findings with you, in the hope that it will help you find your way back to your own path. They don't need to, as different people need different formulations, but still it might help someone, and I've thought about this post too much to not write it now.

I used to have very similar thoughts, during my teenager years and in the first years as an adult. Everything I needed or wanted to accomplish, I eventually got, but I also had my fair share of unfortunate events. My friends always kept saying "what a lucky guy this is" and I could see on they're faces that they really believed it, more than I did actually; I sensed there was something else going on here, but couldn't quite put my finger on it. I knew that I had some sort of passion that I felt with some of the things, and not with others.

Time passed, and with time came different experiences, some good and some bad, but each of them making myself asking "so am I really lucky? if I'm so lucky, then how come I'm not lucky all the time? why do I need to go through the rough patches anyway? what is this? what's the meaning?" I kept doing this for some time, got mad at myself for not being worthy at times, and then it finally came to me: the realization that I've been through all of those experiences, and I've encountered many many things, but luck was just nowhere to be found. Everything had color, texture, smell or what ever attribute that made it tangible in some way or another.

Then I started to look for a common thread among all these experiences, and the overall "theme" seemed to be myself. I was in all those scenarios, and I was making choices that pushed the direction this way or the other. That was my AHA! moment. I saw that when ever I was fully into what I was doing, listening to my heart before my thoughts, a "lucky" situation would occur. When I was passive or not interested, I was not very lucky. So all there was to it was me! I was the only one pulling the real shots for myself, no luck, no other person, no one. Just myself. It all became just a play of actions, so beautifully intertwined that I knew right then and there that things are just as they should be. This understanding changed my world for ever and continued to do so since. And as things continue to reveal themselves to me, I feel more and more that understanding is what imbues the world around us. The more understanding one has, the more natural everything becomes. But this is just an opinion, so I'll leave it at that. You can only look for your self and find your own truth.

About meditation, everybody's been through the same thing at first. Without exception. We are all programmed from day to day life to think constantly without break. You can't just expect a life time habit (10-15-20 years) to just go away in an hour or two, do you? I used to get frustrated about this too in the beginning, until all the chatter just stopped one day, as I did what I'll share below. Think of this as some kind of 'test'. There's a learning in this, that you should accept everything that happens, without resisting. When you're resisting having thoughts, you're actually just putting more thoughts inside your head. How deceiptful, you might ask, why would my mind do such a thing to me? Well, it's not doing it TO you, per say, so don't take it personally. That's just its purpose. Your legs have the purpose of moving you from here to there, your ears have the purpose of allowing you to hear, and the brain has the purpose of creating thoughts. Simplify your meditation technique: instead of trying to open chakras or stopping the mind or what not (you'll have time for that later anyway), make a purpose out of listening to your thoughts. Think of yourself as a hunter. You're out there to catch thoughts. Do just that 10-20-30 minutes each day, or however long your session is. You don't have to force yourself to anything, more is not always better. If you can't do that, then you can use your breath or what ever sensation (physical or mental) you feel comfortable with, and observe that for the whole session. Just observe, that's your role for now. Don't worry if there's too much thoughts, or too intense of a breath. If you're having such a worry, identify it as a thought and allow it to move on. Everything's temporary. This will increase your mind's concentration skill and later on, will serve as a good basis for all other types of meditation.
The truth...lies within.
#9 Posted : 9/19/2012 1:55:40 PM

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Just don't worry about it.
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