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Drinking Ayahuasca at home? Options
#1 Posted : 9/13/2012 5:15:10 PM
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Digest Yourself wrote:
Would this experience mesh well with camping and a fire deep with in the woods?


Digest Yourself wrote:
Any suggestions?

Just do it!

And make extra doses, in case you puke out the first or if you lack effect. I heared hasj oil has a good synergy aswell.

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#2 Posted : 9/13/2012 6:11:22 PM

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Do NOT mix valarian and ayahuasca.

I have drunk ayahuasca at home probly a few hundred times..You can to. If you can take mushrooms at home you can take ayahuasca at home. Just dont overdo it. There is no need to not start low.
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#3 Posted : 9/13/2012 7:27:32 PM

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Aya at home is every bit as valid and special as it is in far away lands with majical people :-) . In some ways its even better IMO. I've done traditional ceremonies with shaman's and at home ceremonies with just me and the dog. Both are unique and rewarding.

The main advantage of working with a shaman I have found is the confidence to go really big and the icaros. At home I enjoy playing recorded icaros during my journey.

I would try being at home first before venturing into the forest. Aya is not always comfortable both physically and mentally so being in the safe nest of your own home may be a better starting point. If you do go to the forest with campfires please have a sitter present. I know of 2 people that injured themselves with fire in the confusion of a full blown experience.

No need to fast. If anything you will need your strength. Fasting for me has always affected the experience negatively by being distracted by hunger pangs the whole ceremony and feeling weak. Aya takes a lot of energy.

I like to eat clean the day of drinking. Mostly veggies and fruits, lots of hydration but have my last food or drink 4-6 hours prior to drinking ayahuasca. And empty belly is imperative for me to get thing's rolling but everyone is different.

I stay away from alcohol and caffeine a couple days prior but have had great success breaking this rule as well.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#4 Posted : 9/13/2012 9:07:39 PM
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If your set and setting will allow you to completely relax and go with the experience and not having to worry about about anyone or anything in your vicinity...wellll.....I SAY GO FOR IT! Twisted EvilThumbs up

It's definitely not any 'less' valid of an experience than a peruvian jungle.

#5 Posted : 9/14/2012 6:13:44 AM

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Hi, just reading the thread... thought i'd answer the icaros question. Icaros is a uniquue chant or song a shaman performs durring ceremony.
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#6 Posted : 9/14/2012 6:29:14 AM

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You will be wobbly but able to get to a bathroom if needed. Have everything you want within reaching distance though. I have had to crawl to the bathroom before so take caution. The harmala will make you what's called caapi drunk. Fumbly and slow motor skills. You can keep a puke bucket next to you and cut down on the movement which is best. You really won't want to move around if you don't have to. The only time I do is for diareaha.

Good travels mate :-)

I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#7 Posted : 9/14/2012 6:33:15 AM

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Hello Digest yourself, as the others said you should be fine at home, but maybe you should do a little more research first.

Things like having enough blankets to stay warm are the basics of set&setting. Ideally you want everything your gonna need to be at hand, you should really only need to move for the toilet.

Enjoy your journey

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#8 Posted : 9/14/2012 1:21:42 PM

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Digest Yourself wrote:
Ok! thank you both!! although I'm still a bit confused as to what my motor function level will be.

Will I be mostly in a meditative sate for the duration?
will I be able to get up and use the bathroom if need be, or get a blanket if I feel cold.
For example, in the 10-15 minutes of a DMT freebase experience using the bathroom is out of the question, and if it's cold you'd better be wrapped in blanket prior to lift off.

Of course I will have a sitter, that's a no-brainier.Thumbs up

With the urgency of needing to get up to puke or something to that extent, I can always convince my body that it's in all of our interests to get myself up and get to the bathroom. On the other hand, it doesn't like to really do much beyond that on ayahuasca. I find that I require a significant amount of will power to do the simplest motor tasks. It's best to just make yourself a nest with most anything you need in arms reach as olympus mon pointed out, and just allow the experience to come to you. There have been times where though I've been rendered entirely immobile, I'd never been more comfortable or content in my entire life.
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"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

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#9 Posted : 9/14/2012 9:11:17 PM

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You might check this out:
Drinking solitair
#10 Posted : 9/14/2012 9:13:29 PM

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Things like having enough blankets to stay warm

can't stress this one enough!
#11 Posted : 9/14/2012 9:26:28 PM
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^^^ Yes, that's literally the best feeling in the world....to have a nice soft n fluffy blanket Love Thumbs up

Sometimes though it won't even stop the shivering, but it definitely feels NICE!

#12 Posted : 9/14/2012 11:32:05 PM

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I feel a lot more comfortable now, thanks to his question. I thought I would have to go all out on this.

I'm ok with cleansing the space and purifying certain things, but to have to got the amazon to experience this in life is absurd.

Glad to hear I can do it at home, now I can begin with the next step.Thumbs up
#13 Posted : 9/15/2012 12:06:45 AM

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Digest Yourself wrote:
I understand that many people travel to the Amazon for the Ayahuasca experience.

Is it due to comfort, the environment and guidance of the Shaman?

While I haven't done it myself, I reckon many people do it to be immersed in the jungle environment, and for the guidance of a "professional" shaman, someone who's been "there" many, many times before.

I've read in a lot of places that the singing of the shaman can dramatically influence the ayahuasca experience but have no personal experience to back it up.

Digest Yourself wrote:

Has anyone made the brew themselves at home?
What did you experience, what environment did you drink it in?

Oh yes, many people here have. I did as well, and plan to again in the future.

While I'd like to try it out in Nature, ayahuasca is something that personally I wouldn't do on my own in the wild.

That said, I know at least one guy who does that now and then..

Digest Yourself wrote:

I've been interested in this for some time, but I can't go down to South America.

I live in a very rural area of New York, NOT the city and far from the suburbs.
Nature is very prevalent. We often camp and spend a lot of time in the woods.

Would this experience mesh well with camping and a fire deep with in the woods?
I would be using MHRB and Caapi.

Any suggestions?

Yes, definitely go for it after sucking up as much information you can about it (and ask questions here on the nexus if you have doubts!). Camping + fire sounds perfect for ayahuasca, altough *probably* you'll find the light from the fire is too much. (I felt the light from a single candle at home was overwhelming)

If you do it in Nature, I think a sitter is essential, especially if it's your first time.

Good luck in your travels Smile
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#14 Posted : 9/15/2012 5:02:00 AM

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I concur with most of the comments here. Though I have not done "formal ayahuasca" as defined by caapi + some DMT containing substance, I have done Rue + DMT many times. And motor function is most definitely an issue. Going to the bathroom, getting a comfy thing...etc., is doable in an emergency but not recommended, nor easy. Very wobbly indeed, and that is best case scenario. Worst case is that you can't open your eyes, or are not even aware that you are a human thing that has eyes, let alone crawl to the bathroom. That is heavy dose effects though. Start small. Get comfy, let it ride. Enjoy!

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#15 Posted : 9/15/2012 10:03:18 PM

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is there a good reason why light doesn't mix well? I'd love to understand this. If you're journeying during the day would it be wiser to use an eye mask like the MindFold designed by alex grey to keep out light?

#16 Posted : 9/16/2012 6:34:58 AM

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fairbanks wrote:
is there a good reason why light doesn't mix well? I'd love to understand this. If you're journeying during the day would it be wiser to use an eye mask like the MindFold designed by alex grey to keep out light?

Honestly it's a matter of preference. For my own taste, I prefer to journey in the daytime as I actually enjoy higher light situations which illuminate my vision, giving me a better sense of detail and color. Also some entities I've met seem to be stimulated by light. In any case, if you want to wear the MindFold be my guest. I would give both settings a shot to determine which you like best.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#17 Posted : 9/16/2012 6:43:15 PM

"Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal." - Albert Einstein

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thanks for the advice global. I found the whisps of orange and yellow during daytime DMT voyages rather delightful. I'll give both a go and let you know.
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