Pain/agony is not my usual trip, I usually experience an intense euphoria. The ringing is commonly called the Carrier Wave and is detailed in the Hyperspace Lexicon.
I don't always have a carrier wave accompanying my trips however. Also I believe there are multiple levels to a breakthrough but so long as you become immersed in hyperspace I say it counts. Breakthroughs make most my CEVs look like a kid's coloring book. Both are incredible but a true breakthrough has no comparison to anything I can imagine in this reality. Or maybe I'm imagining all of it so u cab imagine it...but I won't take that any further.
The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call.
You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.
And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.
Through this chaos comes the order you enthrall.