Hi, my name is [NAME WITHHELD], and I'm here to find guidance along my way in learning what in the Holy-Hell Everything is. What am I? Is there an I? What is the void? Why is there a void? What is consciousness? What is unconsciousness? What the hell are those little plastic things on shoe laces called?
Christ almighty. QUESTIONS!
I don't really like introductions but here's some random facts:
I like: The Beach Boys, Michael Jackson, fresh linen, thinking, not thinking, being in the moment, meditation, tea, the sound snow makes when you walk on it, drawing, and an assortment of mindless wastes of time.
I dislike: Materialism, Scientism, people who step on bugs for no reason, reality TV, and when those extra 15 minutes of sleep go by in 30 seconds. Goddamn time relativity.
I am also quite inexperienced with psychedelics, but pish-posh.
p.s. can I get a grown-up account yet? My means of communication across the boars are limited...
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”