So i had a lucid dream this morning.
When i realized i was dreaming i wanted to ask dream characters about DMT and lophophora williamsii. It was weird because in the dream i was on earth but the people i was talking to were deceased. One guy i talked to came up to me with desperation in his eyes and demanded i shake his hand. I shook it, and his will sealed our hands together. I tried with all my might to pull away but his desperation re-doubled itself. I then stopped and fully engaged in his handshake, looked in his eyes and slowly, finger by finger, released my hand. I then asked him about dmt and lophophora. He didn't know anything about dmt but could tell me about peyote. While he was explaining peyote he was morphing into various stages of who he was while alive. Old man to infant to teenager to toddler. I was so enamored by this process that i failed to hear what he said about lophophora.
Everyone i asked didn't know what dmt was. I reasoned that dmt in new and not highly known, so these people didn't know about it.
Finally i came across 2 hippies and i asked them about dmt. They knew what it was, and i asked them why i failed to breakthrough. They said i would bail out too early. They said that i would reach a certain stage and think that was breakthrough dose, but it wasn't.
That was an awesome dream. Ever since i started smoking the spice i have had 3 lucid dreams. That is 3 in one month, which for me is a high number.
Have any of you noticed more lucid dreams after they first did dmt?
*All posts under this moniker, Meternik, is for entertainment and research purposes only. All events stated to have happened, or witnessed are all heresay and fictional*