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Met entities without using???????? Options
#1 Posted : 8/12/2012 1:33:13 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi I'm still new to the hole scene with hyperspace and all but since my first trip there I've been noticing a lot of weird stuff that could make someone go crazy. Ever since my first experience i have been noticing that one can breakthrough without using anything but requires a lot of focus and energy and practice as my first try is not even a breakthrough but more a visit to the gate.

Anyway last night i was meditating like i have been doing every night since my first breakthrough and every time i feel like i can get closer but then i loose my focus and I'm back with a buzzing head, however yesterday i think i manage one the only thing was 3 hours prior i was with my friend and he was on a trip of Syrian rue and mushroom (small dose so he was still sorta acting normal) and we where talking about hyperspace and entities and how the interact with us and so on.

He then proceeded to roll some dream herb to smoke and mixed in some Syrian rue and a trial of Changa that he made for the first time but we smoke it and not vaporized it. The mix was good relaxing that was the dream herb i felt a bit of dmt effect but so minor that it could of been my mind playing a placebo effect after that we watch some documentaries on ayahusaca and i went home it was 2am and i had to get up at 7am to go to work.

I was realizing that i cant just have 5 hours of sleep I need my sleep and that wasn't enough so i had a brilliant idea to try to meditate on the though of sleeping 5hours but make my body feel like ive slept 8 hours (impossible i know but i tried) During my meditation i went in this half a slept trance where i could see images in my mind like when i did aya but everything around was dark and i saw a carnivorous plant but its spike where square instead of pointy as i was getting closer it would open up i took a lot of focus to go in it as i was scared a bit and moving around is really hard for me in that state when i went inside it swallowed me.

I was in another dark room and this giant figure of blue light showed up it was muscular but not anything like a bodybuilder no details in his face or body it was like a gas moving in the shape of a human and he was a giant i could only see from hips to head and i was a ant compare to him in size i wasn't sure what was going on at this point as i couldn't understand why i was seeing this cuz under my opinion i didn't take anything that could make me have this hallucination but i ask for its name(because i always forget to do that so that was my first question) he respond that his name was Orion (im not a constellation pro i had no idea at the time what that name meant)

He told me he was here to teach me i felt it was just to convenient that i was making this up in my mind when i though that he called me ungrateful and he would leave if i don't want his teaching i apologize and accepted his teaching he then show me what looked like one of those tools we use its like a globe and there ring around it to calculate the stars and stuff i don't know the name just remember seeing some.

It started with a ring spining with a ring within that ring that was spining as well the a bigger one over lapping it same as first but bigger spinning in a different direction then another after that they where spining really fast and this blue ball of energy in the center was growing i ask what it was and he told me this is time which for me made sense even though i always saw time as a line.

After that i went in the blue ball of ernergie and then i woke up at 7am on the dot without my alarm which was set to 0705 am feeling perfectly fine i wasn't groggy or sleepy i was fully awake and with the feeling of WTF just happen as i went to work i afterward find out what or who Orion is and it freak me out even more because now i think im crazy did anyone experience this type of breakthrough without smoking dmt or drinking aya because when i told this to my friend his only reaction was how did you do this without anything iam crazy or it is actually possible to cross over and contact entities without the drug and what did it all mean anyone else had time explain to them in hyperspace???????

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
Om Namah Shivaiya
#2 Posted : 8/12/2012 2:48:01 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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That vision of yours has just taught me allot. I haven't smoked dmt much, but since I have, I can also halfway simulate the state on my own meditating, and I'm being taught lessons in steadily more vivid dreams. I guess the dream visions are like a "breakthrough". I get the Idea that you really did speak with Orion, many cultures have many names for this being in the stars (Like Shiva!). This being or constellation is associated with time. The object you saw sounds very much like the "Looking Glass"technology used by Extreme Top Secret Military Programs. Its used to calculate and see like a movie possible time lines....google it, project Camelot is a good start. Also the movie contact, that machine is all up in that movie. Seems like you had extra time so you stepped out of time chilled out with divinity, then stepped back in. sounds like a blessing.
Om Namah Shivaiya attached the following image(s):
Project-Looking-Glass.jpg (54kb) downloaded 299 time(s).
#3 Posted : 8/14/2012 7:06:03 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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That's actually scary because the machine pretty much looked like that haven't met any entities since then just more patterns in my meditation and I'm still trying to understand what was the meaning of this. My friend also told me that a lot of cultures would use Orion as a way to tell seasons and time which I had no idea so I can scratch of the list my mind made it up because I had no idea and I don't think I'm that smart. As for the machine il have to look this up seems interesting thanks a lot for your answer its good to talk to people who understand what your saying
Hyperspace Fool
#4 Posted : 8/14/2012 1:10:58 PM

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Interesting experience, and not untypical at all. Certainly not for someone who practices meditation and then begins to use entheogens.

Of course, you were not on nothing. You state very clearly that you were smoking dream herb, syrian rue and changa. How is that nothing? (or without using as you say in the title of this thread)

There are a number of plants that go by the name dream herb. Including but not limited to Calea Zacatechichi & Silene Capensis. Of these 2 Calea is the more common one and would be easier to smoke in a spliff... though Silene is probably easier than smoking rue seeds. (I assume you ground these up finely, or were using a powdered extract?)

At any rate, let's assume you smoked calea... that is called the dream herb because it gives you vivid breakthrough type dreams. It does this through an ability to cause the brain to hold on to acetylcholine (a valuable neurotransmiter for many cognitive functions).

Rue is a RIMA (a type of MAOI that is reversible, but still shuts off MAO fairly well... more potent by weight than Ayahuasca). It can potentiate other herbs and substances quite a bit, and may have increased the potency of the Calea.

And, of course, we have changa. Now you say it was an experimental first batch, and that you didn't get profound effects from it, but did notice DMT like symptoms. This would indicate a threshold or sub-threshold level of n,n DMT in your system which could have had a consciousness shifting effect even if it wasn't rocketing you into hyperspace with chrysanthemums.

Take your primed mind for deep dreaming, and then you go and meditate. Specifically intending to go deep and come back extra refreshed from only 5hrs, no less.

It is only natural that you would drop quickly and seamlessly into REM sleep and then have access to some hyperspacey realms. I would say that everyone breaks through to those realms every night whether they remember their experiences there or not. It is debatable whether those dreamtime realms are synonymous with the DMT hyperspace... but it is certainly possible to go to DMT Hyperspace from within a dream. I have done this on many occasions. Usually without any external aids other than perhaps smoking DMT in my dream... or not.

Anyway, sounds pretty normal to me.

But to answer your underlying question... I do believe that it is possible to meet entities during your waking life without any aiding compounds, substances or the like. I can't assert this as an objective fact, but I can say that my anecdotal experience confirms it for me. No need for any super rationalists to try and get upset here.

All the best.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#5 Posted : 8/14/2012 2:34:52 PM


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Its funny that you mention this happening, Good sir!

I have become EXTREMELY lucid after the last 6 months of experimenting with the Screamster(tm). lol.

I have noticed two things.

A) My dreams have been much more lucid. As in i have much more control over my dreamscape on a regular basis now. I should preface this statement with the fact that i have done alot of research into lucidity and have become increasingly talented at dream recollection. But this is a little different. Its like i am starting to navigate my dreamspace with an increased level of control. I continue to train my mind and it continues to help me access this level of dream freedom. I hope to one day be able to truly experience full on lucidity like some claim to be able to do.

B) I have noticed this ALOT lately. As the night creeps upon me, and it starts getting late, I begin to settle down and get ready for bed. I will often do a sort of "meditation". I just sit on my couch with no audio/visual stimulus and close my eyes and try to relax my mind. What I have noticed is that I can let my body fall asleep before my mind does, which puts me into a dreamstate very similar to the state that I often find myself in the morning when I have woken, but i'm sort of half awake, half asleep. The effects have been somewhat profound. Just a couple of nights ago I was practicing this "McMeditation" (last name starts with a "Mc" so being the goonball that I am I like to add "Mc" to the beginning of other words. LOL) and I noticed that I was seeing my body, my living room, and everything in my line of sight.... DIRECTLY THROUGH MY CLOSED EYELIDS!!!!!!!! I thought this was extremely bizarre as I kept looking around with closed eyes and I could see everything as clearly as day! I was holding a beverage and actually looked down into my lap and was amazed at the absolute clarity of what I was seeing. I had to open, reclose, open, reclose, several times just to make sure that I wasn't just imagining it! haha

After that i started to try to focus more deeply and I literally began having very DMT-like visions. They were kind of a cross between my normal dream/daydream type of visuals along with some very DMT-esque patterns and figures. No entity contact of any sort, but it certainly seemed like i was heading in that direction. I will report back as I become more experienced with this.

It was a pleasure reading your post, my friend! Thank you!
#6 Posted : 8/14/2012 8:13:46 PM

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Your vision reminds me of a certain Alladin's Genie/ninja looking blue and amber colored masculine entity.
He is an ally that I have dealt with for many years, his physique is not like a body builder either but is extremely fit, he also wears ancient garments like arm gauntlets and such. Also he rarely shows his face.

I know of several others that have seen him and I have also had spontaneous visions with others involving this entity.

If it's the entity I'm thinking of you can trust that he will take good care of you..

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#7 Posted : 9/18/2012 1:08:26 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the reply i forgot to recheck this post as i got busy with my daily task of life and with the summer and all i don't go much on computer as winter is approaching i become more a stay at my computer type of person but its good to see im not insane the thought always crosses my mind here and then especially with all the synchronicity that has been going on in my life been continuing my meditation and same here i can see more and more like my eye are open it freak me out when i was in the darkness of my room blind closed and this light was in my right eye like someone was flashing a flashlight in my face but i would open my eyes and it was pitch dark and i could ''walk''(i didn't feel like walking but its the best i can describe it) in these place that i keep having the feeling that ive been there before but cant remember. I really realized this when i did aya again for the third time it was the first time i didn't feel dragged by a invisible leash i was choosing where i wanted to go went to this entities rave/party thing kinda weird actually to have had this on aya but nothing surprises me with her. Thanks again for the responses
#8 Posted : 9/18/2012 2:18:43 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I have also had an "event" recently that I could summarise it with the same title: meeting entities without using. Instead of copying everything I'm posting instead the link to that thread where I wrote at length what I could remember.


Best wishes,
#9 Posted : 9/25/2012 4:34:17 PM

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Keep developing it sketchman!

Ethan! How pleasant to see you here!
#10 Posted : 9/25/2012 10:09:42 PM

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Sketchman wrote


I was in another dark room and this giant figure of blue light showed up it was muscular but not anything like a bodybuilder no details in his face or body it was like a gas moving in the shape of a human and he was a giant i could only see from hips to head and i was a ant compare to him in size i wasn't sure what was going on at this point as i couldn't understand why i was seeing this cuz under my opinion i didn't take anything that could make me have this hallucination but i ask for its name(because i always forget to do that so that was my first question) he respond that his name was Orion (im not a constellation pro i had no idea at the time what that name meant)

He told me he was here to teach me i felt it was just to convenient that i was making this up in my mind when i though that he called me ungrateful and he would leave if i don't want his teaching i apologize and accepted his teaching he then show me what looked like one of those tools we use its like a globe and there ring around it to calculate the stars and stuff i don't know the name just remember seeing some.

It started with a ring spining with a ring within that ring that was spining as well the a bigger one over lapping it same as first but bigger spinning in a different direction then another after that they where spining really fast and this blue ball of energy in the center was growing i ask what it was and he told me this is time which for me made sense even though i always saw time as a line.

Hello -

Sounds like quite a hypnogogic trance/visionary experience you had there...Very happy

It's only my most humble opinion but.....
based on my experience and observation what you described is an encounter with a genuine angleic entity, most likely from the class of angels known as sepharim, (living flames, as alluded to the verse, "and he made his ministers flames of fire"..)

The fact that he told you his name is Orion supports this idea IMO.

The symbolism of Orion is a rich one. The first thing that comes to my mind besides a hunter, is a lion. This could be a reference to the tribe of Judah,(think of the Rasta lion) a symbol that I myself have recently been having some serius synchronicites with.

There is also a strong connection between Orion and Pleiades....

I guess you one of those chosen, blessed ones. Congrats. Thumbs up
btw ....If you wish to verify for yourself that it is an authentic angelic entity there are ways to do that, Wink

Here is some other info I found on Orion..

Job 38:31 “Can you fasten the chains of the Pleiades or loosen the belt of Orion?”

Job 9:9 "He alone spreads out Shamayim(sky-water/heaven), and treads on the waves of the sea.
He made the Bear, Orion, the Pleiades, and the chambers of the South."

Amos 5:8 The One who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns darkness into dawn and darkens day into night, who summons the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the earth — Yahweh(YHWH) is His name.

From wikapedia:

The Bible mentions Orion three times, naming it "Kesil" (כסיל, literally - fool. Though, this name perhaps is etymologically connected with "Kislev", the name for the ninth month of the Hebrew calendar (i.e. November–December) , which, in turn, may derive from the Hebrew root K-S-L as in the words:
"kesel, kisla" >>>>(כֵּסֶל, כִּסְלָה, hope, positiveness,i.e. hope for winter rains.)<<< , <<<<<<<<<<<Thumbs up
Job 9:9 ("He is the maker of the Bear and Orion" ) , Job 38:31 ("Can you loosen Orion`s belt?" ), and Amos 5:8 ("He who made the Pleiades and Orion" ) . In ancient Aram, the constellation was known as Nephîlā′, the Nephilim may have been Orion's descendants.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#11 Posted : 9/25/2012 10:45:32 PM


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Ive spoke to orion loads of times!! He's in chat most nights Smile sorry i had too Razz
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