Hello everyone! I've read so much on various forums and I finally decided to actually join and contribute my thoughts to the collective that is "us". I am a 40 year old Black man, married, 3 kids, typical life...go to work, come home, eat, watch TV, go to bed and repeat. I hate the term African-American being applied to
me because I'm not from Africa, neither were my parents, grandparents or great-grandparents. That's a topic for another day though.
My experiences with psychedlic substances began about 3 years ago when an ex co-worker of mine had some mushrooms that he shared with me. That experience was so breathtakingly beautiful that I had to do more exploring. I found out about Salvia Divinorum online after I couldn't get any more mushrooms. I had never even heard of it but I read some trip reports which I thought were totally fabricated. I was thinking "There's no way a legal substance can make those kind of insane trips happen." Boy, was I wrong! My Salvia experiences led me to personal revelations that seemed too incredible to be true. My journey then led me to DMT. I read so many fascinating things about "The Spirit Molecule" but I didn't think I'd ever get to experience it. After reading some of the extraction techniques, it seemed like I would never be able to do it. Well guess what...after about a year of reading about it I got off my butt and JUST DID IT! Now I'm here to share my experiences with you and meet some new friends along the way. I'm very much looking forward to being a part of this community.
I exist!