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Fumarates fasa recrystalizaton, how long to base? Options
The Day Tripper
#1 Posted : 7/16/2012 6:09:34 AM

Rennasauce Man

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Using caoh, made a 1:1 paste with lime and water, and mixed well.

Anyone have any idea how long i need to let it react/stir before adding mgso4/naso4 to dry it out?

I'm doing this right now to fasa recrystallize my semi-pure dmt fumarate salted from fasw on limo, but it also relates to a project i did last weekend.

I had ~500mg of 4-aco-dmt hcl that had absorbed moisture and was a brown goo, but still highly active. So i took it and added 1:1 its weight in lime, mixed well, let it react for ~1hr and then added mgso4/naso4 to dry it out. The goal was to work as quickly as possible after basing the 4-aco, as some of it had degraded to 4-ho and would be unstable, especially in the presence of water. Some of it was bluing, so i know at least some of the 4-aco degraded. I added mgso4/naso4 at 1 hr, and pully dried and powdered it on a pyrex dish before adding the powder back in the container.

Anyway, after drying it fully and doing 4 acetone pulls, then salting with fasa, it gave excellent results. Some nice big crystals Drool, and the yield was ~500mg of the fumarate, so a little was lost, but it was plenty active at 20mg. Came out slightly bluish/grey as well which was kinda weird but cool. Some of the crystals were almost silver colored, shame i never took a pic before powdering them Mad.

Not too bad considering it was a salvage op. And i distinctly feel its different than my 4-aco-fumarate that has not degraded, perhaps due to the 4-aco breaking down to psilocin as it turned brown due to moisture, and then again when it was bluing when i made the lime/water paste with it. The hcl is fairly hydroscobic, and must be kept very dry, i had it in an amber vial inside a larger vial with desiccants and o2 absorbers and it still slowly turned brown and lumpy then finally a goo. Fumarates are the only salts of 4-subbs i want now, hcl just seems far inferior.

In conclusion, i want to find the minimum time needed for caoh basing so if i have to do this again in the future with more sensitive tryptamines than dmt, theres as little degradation as possible.

Any information is helpful, especially if you can tell me how long you left your caoh/fumarates react, the ratio between the two, consistency of the paste, how long/often you stirred/mixed it, and your yields after the conversion.

IE, if you based/mixed for 1hr before drying, and yielded what you expected if it all based, then we can try and find the amount of time required to do so.

I'll update later how long i let mine base, I'm thinking one hour. And the yeild from 2.9g of semi-pure fumarates (washed with dry tone/water re-x 3 times already). Plus crystal porn of course Razz.

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#2 Posted : 7/17/2012 6:42:49 PM

Synaptic cleft explorer

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With any other base sister has used (NaOH, NH4OH etc) the conversion from salt to freebase in H20 is immediate. Stir well and you are done, voila!

Not sure about using CaOH, never used the stuff. In fact Sister doesn't understand why anyone would use a base that is practically insoluble in water. If it i an availability thing, dilute NH4OH can be had in grocery stores and concentrated forms from a janitorial supply, NQA.
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