Hey my fellow Nexians,
Just asking for some advice and recommendations. I am super pumped for the upcoming Osheaga music festival. Here is the 3 day line-up:http://lineup.osheaga.com/?sort=day
Recommendations of bands/songs would be nice. I have a list myself but it would be nice to see other peoples tastes as well.
I haven't taken MDMA over a year now and I've only done it 3 times in my life( every time its been years apart and relatively small dose 75mg). I love to keep this drugs at minimal use and keep it for super special occasions such as music festivals. Ive had a super fantastic experience every single time with this small dose and the magic has always stayed with no hangover/depression.
I do very well in public with LSD.
Day 1-For the first day I was thinking of only taking 1 blotter of good pure 100-150mic LSD(the first day line-up is too good to just smoke weed and drink).
Day 2- again go with LSD(because of tolerance maybe up the dose x2)?
Day 3- I was thinking of either going with pure mdma or candy flip with 1 tab of LSD + mdma(never candy flipped before).
Also every night I will be preloading myself with:
http://www.onnit.com/wp-.../new_mood_supp_facts.jpg before I go to sleep. To keep the serotonin levels high. What do you think?
I was thinking of doing a changa joint but I consider DMT to sacred for this kind of activity so Ill keep that away from this scene.