I believe, as described in "The Spirit Molecule", that body weight should be taken into account, when determining a proper doseage.
Strassman was calculating the fumeric doseages based on .4mg/kg. Based on that, the generally "accepted" doseage of 25mg would be correct for a person weighing about 60kg (132lbs). Not sure if a numeric factor need be applied to non fumeric spice, but .4/kg seems to work for me.
I weigh closer to 90kg (200lbs), and have recently adjusted my dose to 36mg (.4mg x 90kg).
It has changed my travels incredibly by using this calculation.
I truly don't believe that one size fits all, when it comes to doseage.
I did a search before posting, and didn't come up with much of anything under this topic..........i apologize if I missed the boat on finding much previously discussed regarding this subject.........
I am also convinced, that for me, doing just enuf to send me over the proverbial "line or threshold" is not as meaningful of an experience, as going by my dose calculations based on my weight.............
As in most any medications, etc., weight DOES affect an optimum dose size..........
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........
The above refers to the fictitious 'I'