Hello all, brand new member introducing myself. I was posting a lot on another site and realized that while that site had a lot of information, I did not like the vibe or attitude of a lot of the members there, and no longer wished to be associated with it. This site seems much more up my alley.
My interest in entheogens began last summer. I for some reason decided to learn about salvia d., and decided to grow a plant. Having been growing vegetables and other plants for some years now, I was able to successfully figure out SD and my plant grew well. Meanwhile I started learning about all kinds of other entheogens, diving deeper and deeper with every new bit I learned, going mushroom hunting, and growing more plants.
My garden has since become pretty diverse. I have representatives of most of the major entheogens, although I am just interested in growing these cool plants right now, as the idea of taking the journeys they represent still scares me. I have tried a little of my salvia (luckily I live in a state where it is still legal), but without any real effect so far. I am taking a slow, cautious approach.
These plants are teaching me plenty already just by growing them, not sure when/if I'll ever want to journey with them.
I guess that makes me pretty much a newbie explorer compared with most here, although I have had some experiences with mushrooms, but I hope it will be evident that my interest is genuine.
Thanks for reading!