Good afternoon everybody, I have been spending countless hours writing down my theories based off of my own experiences and research and I wanted to share it with all of you.. mainly for your input, but I feel that it is my duty to share this information with you.
It has taken me many hours to write these sections down, and I am still far from finished with what I want to talk about. Anyone familiar with the psychedelic experience knows that it is impossible to describe these experiences, and that our language is limited. But I have carefully picked each word to provide a glimpse of my experiences in the best way possible. I am hoping that you will use these theories as a framework in your own mind, so that you may build up from it with your own experiences and research. Basically you have to see it to believe it..
I don't know who you are or where your from, but it is important that you read this and keep an open mind, because it has the power to change your life.
I believe this information has such power and is so radical that people may try to condemn me, especially from the mainstream. So I have set up this alias account in order to protect my identity..
A little background information on myself, I have discovered these ideas by accident. There are bits and clues scattered around and in history.. it wasn't until one dmt trip that all these clues came together, everything clicked, the last puzzle piece was put in place. All these clues may not seem to correlate with each other, but in fact they are all connected.
I have not provided proof yet of the various clues and how I came to these conclusions, but I plan to in later sections. Other sections that I want to cover are divination, magic, the bible, and our purpose on Earth. If people are interested I will post the other sections once I get my ideas down on paper.
My theory on thoughts, energy, and The Creator
Before you begin reading: The ideas here cannot be proven directly, but can be indirectly through comparing my ideas with other people's ideas and experiences. The main way in which I obtained the information were through drug-induced experiences, critical thinking, and ancient practices. I then compared my experiences and ideas with other people's and everything came together.
Note: This theory assumes that the reader is aware of The Creator. To learn more about this, please read other people's psychedelic experiences and compare them to each other. is a great compilation of trip reports. Also check out the book Destiny of Souls. It is a great book that talks about the afterlife through the use of hypnosis and past life regression.
Ground Theory
Everything in the universe is made up of the same kind of energy, which is known by many names such as psi, life force, orgone, chi, spirit, etc. Since everything is made up of this life force energy, everything in the universe is connected to each other. This energy is boundless by time, space, and imagination. It allows everything and anything to happen in the universe, it has the power to create worlds. It is this same energy that flows through all organisms and ourselves. Where all this energy comes from is the source of the universe, which is The Creator.
life force energy = The Creator
The two are interchangeable, they are one and the same.
All organisms live off of and use this energy, however mankind is exceptional in that we are intelligent beings. We are born with the intellectual skills required to harness and direct this energy in intelligent ways.
This energy has a consciousness as shown by its ability to answer questions via ancient techniques (pendulum, tarot cards, etc.), and also its ability to speak to us through drug-induced experiences or meditation. It is the super consciousness. The Creator wants its presence to be known, it wants to be expressed, it wants us to find it, in fact it is one of the main reasons for our existence. Once discovered it instills in the person a powerful and compelling duty to spread the word.
All intelligent societies in the universe go through this cycle. Once widespread knowledge of The Creator exists as well as a greater vibrational climate of unity, peace, and understanding, then we can finally unlock the true potential of mankind and experience pure bliss. We will realize that everything and anything is possible with God.
This is the highest level of human evolution, it is the crescendo of our entire existence. It is at this level that The Creator is able to express itself in the fullest extent possible. The final step is inevitable, it is God's will. This crescendo of our evolution has been prophesized many times throughout the centuries.
Since this energy runs through all organisms and has a consciousness, it is a big clue in explaining what consciousness is in each of us.
It is my theory that what consciousness is in each of us is simply this life force energy embedded with our biological imprint. That is, it is the super consciousness limited to our physical body and our brains. The brain releases different chemicals when we experience different things or different moods. Now why would the brain need to release chemicals when the brain is experiencing the event itself? In other words, if we are feeling happy why would the brain release endorphins into the body and even the brain itself in order to make itself feel happy? I believe it is the body's way of imprinting the life force energy. In other words, it gives meaning and feeling, and shapes what we experience to what we perceive in our consciousness.
With keeping that in mind, I definitely think it's possible to create artificial intelligence, or even to resurrect the dead. All one would have to do would be to take the DNA from a dead person and clone a new body, then somehow "breathe in" or "reignite" this life force energy into the new body and keep it flowing to give them consciousness, and since it is the same body and same biological imprint, the consciousness of the person would be the same.
Now, by applying this ground theory to other topics, it easily and readily explains them, and uncovers why and how they work.
There are many theories out there that thought is power. You probably have heard of the law of attraction before, or The Secret (in fact there is a reason why they call it the secret). This law states that anything that you think about will be attracted into your life. Why does this work?
Thoughts are basically your intelligent use of the life force energy. Thoughts are a way to direct your life force energy into the universe to bring into your experience everything that is similar to what you are projecting out. Recall that everything in the universe including yourself is made up of the same life force energy, the same energy that has the power to create worlds! When you are directing your energy, you are also directing the energy of the universe. Because you = the universe.
In regard to this energy's ability to attract everything similar to it, I want to point out the work of Wilhelm Reich. He was a scientist in the 1930's that discovered an energy he called orgone, which is the life force energy that permeates everything. He discovered that this energy has negative entropy, which means that it attracts itself and accumulates. Reich's work was largely rejected by the scientific community because it contradicted established scientific principles.
Words can also have powerful effects on us and our surroundings. Why is that? Because the word itself isn't important at all, it is the thought and feeling behind it. When a person writes down, reads, or hears a word, it creates a thought or feeling, and recall that thoughts direct life force energy.
Ancient buddhas and spiritual teachers were well aware of this fact, which is why they always spoke with kind words.
In the documentary What the Bleep Do We Know!?, they talk about an experiment where scientists took different glasses of water and wrote words on them, then looked at the water molecules under sophisticated equipment and observed the changes. For one glass they wrote "I love you" on it and looked at the water molecules, they were structurally beautiful and looked like tiny snowflakes. On another glass they wrote "I will kill you" on it and the water molecules looked like ugly blobs. It is easy to see that words have powerful effects, just by reading those two phrases you can sense how they make you feel. From this experiment I want to point out that water is a good absorber of energy (or so I've been told from various occult sources. Since I am new to the occult I cannot comment on this fact, although it correlates with Willhelm Reich's research that water attracts orgone energy.)
I actually have an experience of my own concerning the power of thoughts (this was before I discovered the ground theory). I've read from many people that when taking the time and effort to brew up Ayahuasca it effects the experience in a positive way. I also heard that Ayahuasca is an amazing teacher, so I decided to ask it for guidance. After I was done brewing the tea (this was a caapi only brew), I put it into a jar and put it on top of a table. I then sat down in front of it, put my hands around the jar, closed my eyes and said a prayer. I asked the tea for guidance, and on how I could improve my life. It was nothing fancy, it was just a little whisper.
The next day I drank the caapi brew with the intention of smoking dmt once the caapi kicked in. However, I realized I drank too much caapi and was tripping from the caapi itself. During the trip the spirit of the caapi answered me back! It wasn't a part of my imagination because in my heart I just knew that it was answering me. It was just a little whisper, exactly the same intensity as the prayer I said to it. The caapi basically told me that I need to take more risks in my life.
Realizing that thoughts are powerful things, it explains why things happen in our lives. Some things are simply out of our control, but more often than not they are the products of our own thoughts and desires, whether we are aware of them or not. Just look back at your own life with this in mind and you will discover this for yourself.
Other people's thoughts and actions affect us and our surroundings as well. Notice how you feel when you walk into a store located in a poor neighborhood versus a store in a rich one. Just take a look at the people that work there and notice how they act. The store workers in the poor neighborhood are usually uncaring and emotionally detached. You can tell just by looking at their face that they don't want to be there, and even if they are nice to you you can tell that they are faking it. Now compare this with the store workers in the rich neighborhood. They enjoy their job and they go out of their way in order to help you. In fact these are my two experiences going to a Wal-Mart and a Giant Eagle.
Now this isn't to say that people are upset or happy all of the time, and of course there are always individuals that are the exception, but for the most part it is this subtleness that you can see affecting the workers and the ambiance of the store. Now why are the environments of these two stores so different from each other? It is because of the people that go to these stores. Wal-Mart has cheap prices, and it usually attracts poor people and those on welfare. On the other hand, Giant Eagle has higher prices which attracts people with more money, and if the store is located in a rich neighborhood then the quality will most certainly be higher as well.
So if the difference is whoever comes into the store based on income, then what does that have to do with anything? People with money generally have easier lives than people without money. Their work is physically less grueling than poor people, and plus they get paid more for it. So in effect they enjoy their lives more and have less things to worry about. This in turn is affecting their thoughts, and their thoughts affect their actions toward other people in the store.
On the other hand, poorer people have to work hard for their money, and what little money they do make isn't enough to make ends meet. So in effect they enjoy their lives less and have more things to worry about. This in turn affects their thoughts which affects their actions.
Income is just one part of the equation, it could be a host of other things contributing such as person values, beliefs, experiences, the different stages we're at in our lives, etc. The environment itself, the building and its layout, can even affect us as well. This is known as the chinese art of feng shui. Everything in the universe is made of the same energy, which means everything in the universe can affect each other.