Popping in to the Nexus after a fair amount of lurking. 25, currently in a halfway house trying to figure out this thing called life after checking into rehab for not being able to kick a 4 year opiate habit on my own.
The ~2 years before this culmination of rehabilitation were pretty wild. It all started on the weekend I first tried DMT at a music festival.. hitchiked back from it after my friend got arrested 6 hours from where I live, and met the most insane psychedelic hook up. Mine has been a life of selling drugs, I had alot of previous experience with psychedelics before this.
All of a sudden I was getting kilos of MDMA from China. Along with a list of scheduled and unscheduled RCs/hallucinogens/DMT which I went down 1 by 1. Staying longer on some than others. After this ~2 year binge of epic proportions. During which I had no TRUE respect for these hallucinogens, not like I currently do at least.
I underwent some sort of enlightening psychedelic aided spiritual wakening which was truly eye opening. I feel as if I maybe broke down my nervous system, and was granted a view of something much more than what is normally seem by people - for an extended time after sobering up. My body was weak from the opiate withdrawal and extreme abuse I put my psychical body though, not to mention physical habituation Im still having a hard time with. I ended up relapsing on opiates, and the 'magic' slowly faded. This ~2 year experience has made me realize alot, which Im still trying to piece together.
It was the beginning of appreciating the reality for these experiences I had taken pretty much for granted, and realize that all these metaphysical 'trippy' experiences have a place and can do alot on this plane. I know realize that these substances must be studied and treated with admiration and respect. Im having a hard time figuring out how to use different chemicals to my advantage, to teach me, to help me. I probably need a break before figuring out how to be a responsible psychonaut. Which is what I strive for. Im having a hard time. I feel so much more comfortable, at home, in these altered states of mind. I pray that I can figure a way to actually use different substances to gain something, something positive, which can be applied to this material plane. Right now, my thought patterns seem so, rigid, without the use of a chemical. With a chemical they flow so well, the long complicated things which are whirring around in my head seem much easier to articulate. Just trying to find my place and figure out what the fuck Im supposed to do here.
Peace and love. Nice to be here.
"For him, LSD and psilocybin did not introduce, as if they were contaminants, unnatural hallucinations. Instead, they manifested – that is, made perceptible and, from the point of view of the senses, seemingly material – what was already latent in the mind. They gave spatial dimensions to strange modes of cognition and lavish mental imagery"
-Lindsey M. Banco