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Films that blatantly reference DMT Options
#1 Posted : 6/16/2012 12:13:51 AM

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I was thinking about taking key parts from films that reference DMT/Psychedelics in a way that would explain things to everyone easier...

So far I can only think of Batman & Matrix & The Jacket

Press Play-
Opens with Morpheus and the 2 pills... get the idea

Just a thought... I'm sure there a few more out there
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#2 Posted : 6/16/2012 12:34:34 AM

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Night of the dead...? I hear ayahuasca can turn you into a face eating zombie.

Or Wanderlust, with Jenifer Aniston...? She drinks ayahuasca and then gets the delusional idea that she can fly, almost leaps to certain injury from a tree because of it.

Sorry man, I got nothing.
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I appreciate your perspective.

#3 Posted : 6/16/2012 12:42:40 AM

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In this post I link to a video that tells about chakras. In the clip, the master makes avatar drink "onion and banana juice" to help him bring balance within himself. I thought it was pretty ironic (blatant?) that there were two ingredients in the tea.

There are also threads about Enter The Void where a guy smokes DMT..

Blueberry is a good one...
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#4 Posted : 6/16/2012 1:47:00 AM

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Enter The Void comes on strong, starts with a guy packing a crackpipe with the spice and lighting up. They did a great job with the sense of nervousness and anxiety- made my heart race to watch it. But that's really the strongest part. A visual trip fades into existence that has really no resemblance to anything I've ever seen in there... Way more organic and mushy. There is no sense whatsoever of the transcendence or personal dissolution that comes with it- the phone rings and the guy picks it up in the middle of his peak. Totally not convincing. But if you're looking to make a psychedelic cinema collage, the smoking part of the sequence is good.
#5 Posted : 6/16/2012 9:15:36 AM

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While not a film, but Adventure Time makes several references to altered states of consciousness including DMT.
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#6 Posted : 6/16/2012 10:07:55 AM

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Yeah in the Matrix when they upload into the matrix or (hyper space)

A 2004 movie; blueberry aka Renegade, has meant to have some pretty good ayahuasca scenes.

And of coarse if you are editing films, The Spirit Molecule has all the audio you should need

And that scene on Fear and Loathing when Thompson sits back on the couch and takes a hit from the light bulb is a taste of DMT
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#7 Posted : 6/17/2012 3:16:47 AM

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Oh yeah, the Renegade Aya scenes are very well done. Not like my DMT visions- very limited color scheme- but I've read a lot of experience reports where the visuals are limited in color, so I suppose it has some basis in hyperspace reality. But the shapes and movements are very compelling. Good entities
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#8 Posted : 6/17/2012 3:32:34 AM

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Inception - accessing alternate realities through multiple dream levels / states

Rango - more payote type thing

Limitless - accessing more of the brain's capabilities. Dmt? Maybe!

The Doors - payote trip in the desert

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#9 Posted : 6/17/2012 3:40:35 AM

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I thought that Limitless was extremely thought provoking. Also really well done.
#10 Posted : 6/17/2012 3:47:58 AM

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Well most people don't believe me, and i can't find it on youtube

The movie A Bugs Life mentions it
( you know, that disney film about the ants..or at least i think its disney)

Its the part where the circus guy shows up with his centipede driven cart thing..and finds his crew with the ants..the main ant guy starts making up excuses to everyone about why they're running off..saying how its because of a secret meeting. Then at one point says code "dmt"..amongst other strings of 3 letters

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#11 Posted : 6/18/2012 6:13:18 AM

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As Void said the cartoon Adventure Time directly references DMT and the pineal gland in one episode. That show is a trip for a kids cartoon.

The movie "Blueberry" has a pretty awesome ayahuasca trip scene.

Wall-E was based on an Ayahuasca trip

The movie Rango seems like theyre hinting at something DMT-esque with the dream scene then him talkin about getting to the "other side" and they hint at references of heaven and hell in that movie a lot

Then Sucker Punch seems like just one big DMT trip that a cute insane girl is in

Avatar is a dead give away with them talking about how we're connected to all plants and animals through their "Tree of the Dead" or something then the name they call god is Mother Aywa or something and it sounds similar to Aya. idk

There's an episode of Futurama where leela gets stung by a gigantic bee and is trapped in a coma and is goin through trippy dreams and fry keeps telling her to "wake up" and there's the Futurama movie called "The Beast With A Billion Backs" where yeebo the god comes down and attaches himself to everyone through a tentacle


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#12 Posted : 6/18/2012 6:38:01 AM

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Limitless + Rise of Planet of The Apes (2011) + Dune + Avatar

Warning Spoiler Alert -- If you are concerned with preserving the mystery of any of the above movies for your own experience, be aware that some of my comments may be slightly "spoiler"-esque


Avatar made a lot of cash. I think it's because people want that Gaia-mind connection. Speaking of J.C. (James Cameron) -haha j/k- Titanic also made a lot of cash -- the film about the so called "unsinkable ship."

I like to think of Dune's worms as the producers of soil--soil which gives rise to the Melange/Kingdom of biological tasties including spice, all of which is soil-grown. And when one aligns himself with the natural resources, one is empowered.

Limitless for obvious reasons.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes because the spice made the apes speak.

In the Spirit Molecule movie, the one man--I forget his name but I believe he is a Rabbi--speaks of DMT as a "brain hormone."

#13 Posted : 6/18/2012 7:38:30 AM

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The episode of Cowboy Bebop where they eat mushrooms is simply epic. There are some classic trippin/trippy scenes in Easy Rider (a must see for anyone here and you can be assured that Dennis Hopper was partaking during production.) I recently saw Blueberry and enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Is there a mescaline scene in Young Guns? I can't remember but something is making me think of that movie. Maybe I just love mixing psychedelics and Westerns.
#14 Posted : 6/18/2012 10:43:06 AM

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Adventure Time... When Finn strips bark right off a tree, eats it, and pukes out rainbows haha
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#15 Posted : 6/18/2012 2:10:30 PM

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changalvia wrote:
Adventure Time... When Finn strips bark right off a tree, eats it, and pukes out rainbows haha

if you listen long enough, it almost sounds like "idontwanna"
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#16 Posted : 6/18/2012 2:53:03 PM

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Bedazzle wrote:
Night of the dead...? I hear ayahuasca can turn you into a face eating zombie.

I actually had a realization about zombie movies while on aya, but it's the opposite of what you're saying lol. What I thought about was that the whole zombie apocalypse genre is a symbolism to psychedelic users and the masses. The minority that are "awake" vs. the majority that are shuffling around lost and drooling and eating brains (consuming). If you choose to be a lone survivor with a well protected hideout, you have a very good chance of surviving, and you can do whatever you want if you do it discreetly (we're those guys). But if you choose to fight the masses and search for a "cure", you will very probably be destroyed by the masses (your reputation and career). There was some other connections too but I cant remember them anymore.. But at the time it felt like a totally deliberate symbolism for that.
#17 Posted : 6/18/2012 3:01:04 PM

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#18 Posted : 9/18/2012 10:05:35 PM

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the episode ¡Viva los Muertos! from the show venture brothers has a "death vine" ritual astoundingly similar to ayahuasca

After introductions of the other attendees (including the Order of the Triad and an Amazonian mystic), Dr. Orpheus passes a round of drinks made from psychotropic plant vines (similar to a ritual DMT ceremony). The mystic excitedly relates the story of his sexual encounter with a dolphin as Dr. Orpheus and the others begin vomiting with the onset of the hallucinatory effects. Brock knocks back the strange brew and complains of the wretched taste. In a moment of pre-hallucinatory regret Brock admits that he feels bad about killing the henchman that became Venturestein. "Yeah, he was just this guy, this guy in a butterfly suit who got in over his head. I could see it in his eyes that if I just let him go this one time he'd never come back but, then I also thought you know, 'kill him'." Brock vomits, accuses the Amazon shaman of poisoning him, then collapses to the floor. Brock's hallucination begins by riding nude on the back of a pink dolphin in the middle of a vast, pink ocean. The dolphin tells Brock that the path to happiness is through empathy; however, the dolphin is soon harpooned by Brock's ex-mentor Hunter Gathers (post-op, but with pre-op face). Hunter blasts into the air with Brock, telling him (while he is hugging onto Hunter's breast) that he's working for the government and that his entire job is to hunt and kill people, and that "You can't teach a hammer to love nails. That dog don't hunt." Brock then awakens from his trip, and charges out of the party in a confused, homicidal rage.

there is also a good quote (during the ayahuasca vision) from hunter where he says brock is a killing maching built by the "United States of shut your third god damned eye for a fucking reason!"

couldn't find video of it, but it is by far the most blatant reference i have found
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#19 Posted : 9/18/2012 10:23:19 PM

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Martyrs. May not necessarily be dmt, but it definitely gave me the impression of death I experienced once while using dmt, brutal pain and misery and then pure beauty. There was even an image of a chrysanthemun type flower when she went to the other side if I'm not mistaken.
#20 Posted : 9/18/2012 10:53:50 PM


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The terrible old B movie, Altered States has a scene where this researcher is observing a subject on DMT in the next room.

The X-files has an episode dealing with ayahuasca and one dealing with iboga. Though be prepared to facepalm when you see how they are portrayed.

Natural Born Killers has the scene where they are on mushrooms in the desert - also in the commentary they say they were gobbling them the whole time during the filming process.

My favorite movie as a kid, The Elm-Chanted Forest, about this painter who falls asleep in the forest and wakes up with the ability to talk to the animals and has to help them save the forest from the evil cactus king "lord spine" has this great scene where the mushroom people take him underground Laughing

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Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
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