Perhaps just brew up the rest of your caapi. 3x3 hour boils. It is important to change the water each time, to allow enough room for the alkaloids to escape into the water. Also, a little vinegar helps, just dont overdo it as it tastes BAD. This method has worked every time for me, even with the aforementioned weak white vine. Brewing for 12 hours really made a brew to be reckoned with.
If you brew it all at once, you can always drink more if your first dose doesnt work. Also, you can try some vine-heavy brews to get a feel for the harmalas. It seems as if perhaps you arent fully MAO inhibited. When you have plenty of harmalas, you really know about it - weird ectoplasm-type tracers and very heavy sedation. The tracers arent really tryptamine like, more like a very 'real', semi-physical kind of energy field of some sort. Ive never seen them on tryptamines anyway, though some may have. Harmalas feel very calming and rejuvinating, grounding 'the light' of the DMT.
I'm unfamiliar with the Amanita experience so cant comment on that.
Brewing it all at once also saves time in the long run, with not having to brew up for hours every time. If its reduced, it keeps in the fridge for ages. I had a brew sat there for almost a year. It had fermented a bit but after boiling the alcohol off, it was as good as fresh.
So maybe try it again, have 50g, then if you need more, have more. Bare in mind you may make a much stronger brew, so dont go straight away taking like 100g, as your brewing method may have improved,
especially if you are adding light. High dose harmala and high dose DMT could potentially put you off for life if you jump off too far at the deep end. You can always drink more, but never less.
If you have a load of pre-made brew you can find your sweet spot with the harmalas, then add light a bit at a time.
I would say your priority would be to ensure noticeable harmala effects to get an optimum all round aya experience eventually. It may take a few times, but you'll get there in the end. You do appear to have described some of it's subtler effects already.
My 2p, for what its worth. Hope it helps
Good luck with your voyages, and let us know how it goes!
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce
"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna
Forgive, you'll live longer.