One conclusion from this post is altered - see post further down this pageI've recently extracted 500 grams of rue with a pressure cooker. My idea was to test if it's necessary to grind rue seeds when using a PC. 4 45-minute boils on whole seeds were done, the last one kept separately to see how many harmalas it contains. After every boil I squeezed the water out of the seeds with a dishcloth.

Then all seeds were put in a blender to produce horrible brown goo.

I wanted to test if the 4th PC boil still extracted alkaloids, and if grinding the seeds after 4 PC boils yielded some more.
I tasted all the teas to estimate the amount of harmalas. The first 3 boils were very bitter, the 4th was slightly bitter, but fifth one (with ground seeds) had no bitterness at all.
The idea of filtering this mess for nothing is not very appealing.
To all boils vinegar was added to ensure that all alkaloids are in their (bitter) salt form.
The results are in
After filtering about one third of the pulls through coffee filters I decided that it took way too long and wondered if all the filtering was really necessary. Judge for yourselves!

As you can see there is no color difference between filtered and unfiltered pulls, so all the filtering called for in some teks is really not necessary!
After I basified the pulls for the first time I decanted the brown water, and washed the freebase alkaloids and decanted until the water coming off was clear (like in Gibran's tek). Then I did 1 acidification, filtered through coffee filter, basified for the second time and washed them again until clear water was coming off.
The resulting alkaloids are a light tan color, and pure enough to post the final yield. I'll do a Manske on them later, followed by further purification and (partial) separation into harmine and harmaline.
The first 3 pulls yielded 27 grams, the 4th pull 2,8, the 5th pull (ground seeds) just 1,6 grams, and the coffee filters I cleaned another 1,1 grams. This brings the total yield from 1/2 kilo of rue seeds to 32,5 grams of alkaloids. I have some coffee filters with a lot of alkaloids on them left so yield will be around 35 grams.
A yield of 7%. Not bad! Part of this is of course vascinine etc. and impurities but this is some good rue!

There is something odd about the fifth pull though.
After basification the alkaloids from this pull just wouldn't settle on the bottom of the jar. They aggregated in smaller clumps or something. Does anyone have a hypothesis why this could be? Maybe they are different alkaloids, vascinine and companions? Or proteins? Although proteins would seem unlikely because I acidified and filtered what precipitated after first basification.
This is what the fifth pull looked like (it's the middle one):
Conclusions-Filtering rue tea, except the initial filtering though a dishcloth, is not necessary.
-When pressure cooking, 3 45-minute boils are enough to get most of the alkaloids out. The same thing probably goes for regular boiling, only then longer boiling times are needed.
-Grinding the seeds is unnecessary.
-Grinding the seeds releases other substances(??)