1Large Kitchen Knife
1 Potato peeler
5-San Pedro Cuttings
1Large Pyrex Dish
2 or more Jars (depending on number ofPedros)
1-5 Drying racks (explained step 5)
1Accurate Scale
1 Coffee Grinder
2-4 Liters of (91-99%) ISO
1Good Fan
1 Pipette, Turkey Baster, or Syringe
50-100 00Capsules
1 Small amount of flour
Arazor blade (Step 12)
1 Neighbors who turn a blind eye tocactus-related backyard experiments
I am a studenthere in the city of Piura in the North of Peru. As I have alwaysbeen an avid psychonaut I have begun to do many San PedroExtractions. In this Tek will cover the drying and extraction us96% ISO. ISO has good and bad reviews as being a good solvent formescaline, personally for someone looking for a cheap andmore-manageable way of ingestment, ISO isn't a bad choice. Now ifyou would like a more pure and easy-dosing manner you may want to doa simple A/B extraction. (I will be covering such extractions inlater teks.) As well I have made many delicious bbq style SanPbrews, those will also be explained in the following pages. Now Iknow most of those doing these extractions do not have direct accessto endless crops of fresh SanP as I fortunately have. For thoselooking for the best priced SanP powder, made only from the greenflesh, look no further than They are fast, discrete,and get the product where it needs to go. Again this tek uses freshSanP. I hope you may all learn from the knowledge that has beentaught to me here in the wonderful country of Peru. Enjoi!
STEP 1-The Pedro
Findsome San Pedro (more the better)
STEP2-The Needles
Take large-ishcooking knife and with the back of blade scrape/ cut all the spinesoff
STEP 3-The Shell
This part is the most annoying:skinning the Pedro. Take the point of your knife and gently slide itbetween the green flesh and the clear outer shell. By wiggling theknife a bit you should be able to loosen the Pedro to where its easyenough to peel off the rest.
STEP 4-The Flesh
Nowmany people take 5 or six long cuts of the flesh and leave it to dry,I have found this counter-productive as long thick cuts take longerto dry. Instead take your Pedro place it in any receptacle (used fortransferring flesh to drying site) and simply skin it with a potatopeeler. Keep peeling until it goes from dark green-green-white. Youshould stop at the white and throw out everything else. The rootcore is mostly composed of water and other unnecessarycompounds.
STEP 5-The Drying
Now take all of yourpeeled flesh (you'll find that it likes to group together in a goopymess) and spread it out over a baking sheet or as shown in picturebelow spread it on a mosquito net for windows (forgot the actual namebut I'm sure you get the gist of it.) This flesh should be keptroughly .5 meters from the floor (I used bricks) and preferablyfanned during the drying period. I have noted that if I put my fleshout on the roof in the morning with fans and the summer heat I amable to dry roughly 30 kilos of flesh before sundown. For the smallgroup of left-over wet pieces I have a system in my grow-room tofinish drying them off.
STEP 6- The Pulverizing
Nowthe next step is to take your dried Pedro flesh and turn it topowder. Now on other teks the use of a blender is looselyrecommended. I would personally stay far away from blenders, as thePedro can clog it up and a small Pedro fire can be kindled in yourblender (trust me personal experience) If your cacti takes flame andis black your next step would be to trash it. Best use a coffeegrinder, this will do the job quickly and efficiently.
<If you have had optimum weatheryou should be able to go from fresh SanP to powder within 5-11 hoursdepending>
STEP 7- The Weighing
Nowmany people seem to think weighing isn't pinnacle in ISO extracts,well unless you like ingesting an unknown amount of psychoactivealkaloids I suggest investing in a scale. (These photos have meworking with around 500-700g of 9 pointed SanP aka. a good amount ofpowerful goodies) Weigh your powder and set the number off to theside.
STEP 8- The Soaking
Timeto go from dry to soaking wet. Put all of your SanP powder into aglass jar that is WATER-TIGHT, now take your alcohol anywhere from (91-99%) will do just fine, andpour it into the jar having the alcohol cover the powder by 3-6cm's.
STEP 9- The Shake
Thisis arguably the funnest part of the whole process; just take your jarand shake the shit out of it, taking care not to smash it onanything. This should take 1 minute. Now let the jar sit in a darkplace, and over the next 24 hours shake it every 30mins-1 hour (themore the better.)
STEP 10- The Goodies
Hopefully it hasbeen 24hours since you put in the Pedro, give your jar one lastvigorous shake and let it sit for 30 minutes. Now with a sucky toolie: pipette, turkey baster, or large syringe, pull off the top blacklayer. Being extra extra careful to not get the yucky green powder. The black liquid pulled off should be run through a fine colander andlet to rest in another jar. Put the jar away (you'll be getting itout tomorrow) Now return to your powder jar and repeat steps 8-10.
STEP 11- The Waiting
Now a variety of differentfactors decide how long the extracting will take, alcohol percentage,cactus potency, how finely ground your powder is, and your karma. Usually your looking at doing around 4-5 pulls. The jar with thegoodies may be left to sit with out a cap to begin evaporation whilecollecting the rest of liquid. (Depending on what your views are onhaving a house that smells like Alexander Shulgin's sink)
STEP12- The Evaporation
Hopefullynow you have done a sufficient number of pulls, aka you saw that theblack liquid went green and then went transparent. Now unless yourstingy and want to get some crumbs toss out your cactus. Snag thegoodie jar and pour out its contents into a Pyrex baking dish (biggerthe easier) to be placed outside in the sun with the aid of a fan. With fan and hot sun 90% of the evaporation can easily be done in oneday.
STEP 12- The Wrap-Up
You now are leftwith a horrible tar and begin wondering why you didn't do an A/Bextract (recommended for all powder weights above 100grams) Thishorrid substance can be put in the freezer and lightly sprinkled withflour or Vitamin C powder. Now remember that weight your wrote down in step 7, get that sucker out and compare it to your tar weight. Ifyou were to have a 100 g of powder and 5g of tar product. That wouldrepresent 20 SanP grams per gram of tar. For people in the ranges of55-85 kilos your looking at 35-50grams of powder to have a greattime, depending on your potency, SanP is like cacti-roulette. Youmay now put your powder in 00 capsules and wash down with juice.
STEP 13- The Ceremony
San Pedro is an extremelyspecial cactus that should be respected appropriately, failure to doso can lead to a shitty time and/ or injuries. Please ingest with anice clear and open mind and in the company of at least oneexperienced psychonaut. Now lay back throw on some Floyd and enjoythe ride.
Peace&Love to all.