1- Dont shake in a glass jug, thats recipe for disaster because as lye dissolves in water it generates heat, which generates pressure, which can make glass break and leak or explode. Maybe it didnt happen yet but one day it could. Just add the lye slowly while stirring with a wooden or stainless steel spoon). Also be sure to wear goggles and gloves.
2-Plastic bottle? Dont, if you care for your health:
https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...use_for_my_extraction.3F3 and 4- spelling correction: Naphtha, not NaMphtha
Also I suggest just for the sake of trying sometime, next time divide one of the pulls in half, and half of it freeze, half of it evap, see what you like more. Also, get part of your evapped crystals, and redissolve in non-denatured ethanol or acetone if you can get some, and evap again, to help getting rid of solvent traces inside the crystals. Maybe you decide its not worth it, but do it at least once with part of the crystals and smoke both crystals to see if you notice some significant difference.