these things can help but its best to cast your net widely and take a more holistic approach to maybe try incorporating many beneficial habits/activities into your life..including things you already love..but also things such as:
meditation & yoga everyday (perhaps eventually incorporating low doses of changa after some caapi tea (5g) microdosing into it..its very beneficial for this sort of thing if used with good intentions. It doesn't do the work for you but it is a strong paddle, so to speak..)..
but yea i would drink around 5g of caapi vine tea in the morning and at night. The vine itself, without an admixture plant, is very healing. At low and bigger doses.
change around your diet. i'm not sure what you eat..but eating healthier in general, and cutting out processed crap, can
dramatically change around ones mood. permanently..And get plenty of water. Most people these days seem to be dehydrated
read some awesome books and stimulate your noodle! maybe check out the book bin in the music/literature subforum..
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"