Hi all,
I've been browsing this site for a while now, and finally decided to create a profile.
I am impressed with the quality of postings on this site and the level of knowledge of people here (way above most other psychedelics-related sites). This has a lot to do with the fact that DMT is a lesser known substance that is not freely sold through dealers, and I would very much prefer to keep it this way. I was glad to find out that the Attitude agreement of this forum was in alignment with this notion.
My personal relationship with DMT started 4 years ago. The potency of the substance and the depth of its effects are unlike any other psychedelic. It is something I grew to respect, and not abuse out of boredom or desire to "get high".
My first and most meaningful experience was on a small island in the middle of a remote lake in Sierra Nevada. Having to hike there for a full day, makes for a clearer and purer mind. My second best experience was on salt flats in the desert around Death Valley. Ever since then I am an avid advocate of choosing a proper and meaningful setting for such experiences. Hastily organized trips in city apartments are nowhere near as rewarding.
My interest in chemistry led me to reading of the extraction teks, in an effort to understand the substance better and learn to use my knowledge wisely.
I have a background in technical writing, and one of my pet peeves with many of the online teks is their lack of clarity, writing flaws, and poor organization. Not that they are very bad, but they can be greatly improved. One of my future personal projects is to create a comprehensive tek that incorporates information from well used teks like Vovin's, q21, Lextek. (So far I'm only familiar with A/B and STB extraction procedures).
Thanks for your attention.