Many apologies about my late reply I sort of thought no one would actually read my introduction thanks for the welcome
I would also like to answer this very well worded question:
WEM wrote:Because of your experience that you have had, you more than likely have had your fair share of good and bad experiences with dmt. So my question to you is this:
Being a... call it novice... traveler (tried other psychedelics, not dmt yet), would you say that having a bad experience will cause you to act or behave differently long term? Basically I'm asking if you've ever had such a bad trip/experience, that you've had to stop everything you were doing, and take a break so as to regain composure and/or fix what you believed was the cause of it before continuing your travels. If so, what amounts of time did you take before returning to your travels?
So it would seem that the phrase "bad trip" could mean different things to different people depending upon their particular stage of I can't be certain what a "bad trip" means for you personally but I can tell you what it means for me....
I take psychedelics specifically for the purpose of interacting with spirits, more specifically angelic beings. Unfortunately there is no way to communicate with "higher" forces without coming across "lower" forces in the process..These "lower" or demonic forces continually and persistently seek to interfere with my psychedelic travels with sometimes nightmarish results.
So I would attribute most of the really "bad trips" I have had to Demonic attack...
On other substances such as LSD, Mushrooms and Mescaline demonic attack became a commonplace problem myself and my tripping associates had to constantly battle with. With DMT and Ayahuasca however I find these demonic attacks to be far less frequent, although they do occur and can still be nasty. There definitely seems to be a special protection there that other substances do not provide from baneful spirits.
So from my experience DMT trips although far more potent are less prone to inducing negative
trips than other psychedelics.
The thing is...DMT is really can't be compared to anything else however...Some of my best DMT experiences were actually the most terrifying moments of my life as well... DMT Fear is a real wholesome, Indiana Jones, fearless explorer type fear
The first time I was taken to another dimension I was really freaking out, thinking I was dead and such..but just because it scared me that doesn't take away the magic fact of what had taken place.
The first time I came face to face with a very real E.T my heartbeat easily spiked over 150 beats per minute as a classic fight or flight response kicked in. I thought I would either scream or cry or both..but when I was gently calmed by that being.. it was all worth it...
Because of DMT I made contact and have no regrets I don't care how scary or intense it was.
Also I have to say that no amount of any psychedelics reading books on psychedelics drugs or hearing people talk about psychedelics can prepare someone for what DMT can do..
Even reading about DMT does little to prepare one for the drastic effects, because what your entering into is not an illusion of the mind...Potentially you could be very much abducted by aliens and no TV special can prepare you for that.
If you care about the truth however you might be curios
Seek and ye Shall find.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph