A few days ago, I saw the first movie in the following list and was blown away by the opening titles. They certainly have a place in the Nexus, and with them I remembered other great movie title sequences that are more than eye candy and you guys might enjoy. So I put together a few.
1.- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)The movie plot may hardly be relevant to the Nexus interests, but don't miss the opening credits.
2.- Contact (1997)Sagan's Pale Blue Dot, made in style.
3.- Go (1999)MDMA Anyone?
4.- Enter the Void (2009)A dazzling start for the journey.
5.- The Island of Doctor Moreau (1996)Disappointing movie, epic credit sequence.
6.- Lord of War (2005)Hardly psychedelic, but an impressive trip nonetheless.
7.- Fight Club (1999)Portrait of fear, starting with a synapse.
8.- ??? "The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts