Greetings...I looked up this forum to read some words of people who have had similar experiences to my own and see what these insights may have done for their lives.
My own exposure to such things as discussed around here has been very extensive over a period of many years and have definitely helped light the path for the development of my own awareness.
Now, awareness is what I have come to as the "bottom line". Recognizing the deluding nature of the ego/mind hat that I have worn for decades. Now it is all about now, experiencing and perceiving this existence as it is, period.
Even the longing that I sometimes feel to be around people that share my interests in psychedelics, the effects, etc. are for me to be understood as an egoic tendency...a "desire" if you will to hang onto, cling to a part of the path. It's important to recognize that for me I don't see this as "bad", it just helps to understand what it really means so that I don't get too caught up in the "loneliness" part of it.
Sure, I could go to South America and drink Aya or go to Burning Man and although I may do these things someday it is literally unimportant to do them. I am already a miraculous creation, as all of you are, basking in the beauty and amazing complexity of a natural universe.
But...there's always a but right...I view psychedelics as a sacrament to be used to bring us closer to God. How any group of people calling themselves a government can stand between a human being and that persons own quest for God, realization, awareness, definitely not freedom of religion. This should change sooner rather then later so all people, not just Hopis or SD people in Ashland can benefit from what God created.