Good morning nexus, I joined this forum because I have been studying the strength and light for quite a few years and I believe there is alot of valuable information and insite to be found here. I am an alcoholic whom 12 step programs do not work for. I get the steps and thier intended purpose but the meetings tend to cause cravings rather than alieviate them. I have have some limited experience with both A/B and DMT for the masses extractions in the past but unfortunatly do not have a safe place to do this kind of activity at this time. I am hoping to soon be able to continue my research. I am intensly interested in the vine and the extraction of its alkaloids for theraputic uses, both spiritual and medicinal. The Mud Pit is a place I found in a dream some months ago. It seems to be the beginning place of life, it is at the birth place of the rainbow river/road. Does anyone here have a similar dream or experience with these places? Thanks again, Humbly eugene (sic)