What do you think the best solvent/chemical would be to leave freebase DMT in?
Reason being, I have some dissolved in acetone in a glass eyedropper for making my enhanced smoke. I drop it on instead of soak it now so I don't lose any on the sides of the container. So that got me thinking of long term storage say in a old wart remover container so someone does'nt mistakenly think it's Visine or something. I just think it would be less obvious than say a vial of white Xtals...
And does anyone know if that would make it deteriorate faster? Stay the same? Or maybe help preserve it?
If you did the same with the fumarate what liquid could you use for that? An edible liquid. I would just do the math so I'm measuring my dose in cc's instead of mgs.... Water?
I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.