Hi folks, I'm Sim, I'm Dutch so please pardon my French.
First of all I would like to thank the whole lot out here for all the knowledge and experiances shared on this website, the way it is set up and moderated, well done, very sensible.
So what got me here and why should I be doing this stuff ?
Actually I do not wish to elaborate on that for now, to keep it short;
I am standing on the verge of getting it on and I need a little push.
So I am planning to push myself a bit to overcome my fear of crossing that border.
"It" usually hits me unexpected and very sudden so it tends to freak me out a bit and I loose my "trance state" and the trip to Electric Ladyland is cancelled.
I figured a small hit of the spice would do the trick for me, a little kick in the butt so to speak.
"Free your mind and your ass will follow" ... The other way around might work as well :idea:
I do not really have a "drug history" besides doing mushrooms a couple of times and smoking "the occasional" joint, they can be nice "Tools" to help you recover lost ability's by showing you actually have them.
With the knowledge found on this site I started an X on 50gr Mimosa, with results and now it is in the proces of purification and slow recrystalisation to give me some nice clean crystals, no stinky's here.
I am very much enjoying the process of preparation, the focus is to make something beautifull.
Also I made a little "Machine" so I figure I have a reasonble chance of "Getting the trick done" evapping 15 mg and "Meet the Labyrinths"
So, thanks everyone ! Wisdom to you all...
I might keep you posted, I might turn to silence I figure