when i began my work with ayahuasca, i took a van almost zealous approach to setting and ceremony. indeed, it set the stage for many successful journeys. I learned many things during these deep experiences. I encountered strange phenomena: sounds from the TV were warped and twisted while i was in hyperspace, as if some beings were sending me an extradimensional message.
over time ayalove, i came to believe that everything was an extradimensional message. that every occurrence, sight, and sound i heard in my daily life was part of a grand hyperspatial message, designed by the elves, just for me.
Does this seem familiar?
I began to believe these delusions with an absolute certainty.
As I put some distance between the spice, i realized that i was living in a fantasy.
In other words, you might be finding synchronicity that isn't there.
Sometimes the brain can draw connections to unrelated things after an intense psychedelic experience.
It might be important to take a step back and think rationally. A black cat, diamond shaped litter in a street, or sacrifice ceremony doesn't have any relation to you or your experiences with DMT.
This is a common problem to new spicers, a result of too much integration into 3D life.
The best thing you can do is record your experience, acknowledge the impossibility, accept that you can't understand a fraction of what happened, and let nature do the rest.
The clockwork of the universe is intricate beyond normal comprehension. You might be finding synchronicity that is not there.
The more you try to know, the more mysterious life gets..